Daikaiju-fanboy — Kneeling Bactrian Camel

Published: 2013-02-14 04:50:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 976; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 18
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Description First picture I've uploaded from Potawatomi Zoo in Indiana to DA, and its one of my two Bactrian Camel photos I snapped with my Canon Powershot SX40 HS. There are two camels at that zoo, a female named Altayn and a male named Dash. Taken at Potawatomi Zoo in South Bend, Indiana on September 19th, 2012.

Camelus bactrianus

Height: at hump: 6.2-7.5 ft
Weight: 990-1,430 lbs.
Life Span: 30 years
Description: Bactrian camels have two small, conical humps, small ears, and small feet with no chest or leg callosities, which makes the legs appear to be very long. Camels have evolved to cope with life in near-desert and desert conditions. Their nostrils can be closed to keep the blowing sand out. Their humps store energy as rich fats, making it possible to go long periods without food. Thick fur and wool provide warmth during cold winter nights and insulation against daytime heat. The camel differs from other hoofed mammals as the body rests on sole-pads rather than on hooves; only the front ends of the hooves touch the ground. When they do drink, camels can take in 30 gallons at once.

Range/Habitat: Bactrian camels are native to Mongolia and live in the steppe grassland.

Diet: Wild: Thorns, dry vegetation and saltbush. Can endure long periods without water.
Zoo: Grains, slabs of hay.
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Comments: 3

SameerPrehistorica [2013-02-24 09:39:59 +0000 UTC]

Good shot..Also it is having a smiling face.Haha

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Eozspike [2013-02-14 14:22:58 +0000 UTC]

This is a good photo Love the sleepy pose ^^

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The-Real-Kentobu [2013-02-14 05:22:22 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely... AWESOME! Great shot choice and zoom. I really like how you can see the face very well. Also, it looks so fluffy, and I never say that, haha. Now out of curiosity do you know if this is Dash or Altayn?

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