Power Rangers: Alayssian Warriors
Season 1
Episode 17
Before heading off to destroy Diabominus and apprehend Zorgonus, the Rangers report the situation to Aluris and Nyuwii.
Auburn: Good news, we got a new zord. Bad news is Diablominus had just woke up...
Daisy: It's on its way to the city. We did everything we could.
Aluris: Not everything. Your first defeat by Diabominus was foreseen to teach you something important. Something more crucial than having fancy weapons, powers, and machines.
Nyuwii: On the bright side, you did retrieve Janus's Zord. She had abilities of a saber when attached to a Megazord, and has the ability to wield nature.
Cyan: So what was that "something important" our defeat was supposed to be, Aluris?
Evelyn: Yeah, whats up with that?
Aluris: Unity. And each other.
Evelyn: Janus did mention there is still some good in Aurelius. Is it possible to redeem him?
Aluris: I want to believe that. Janus had a weapon that be on par with Aurelius's staff.
Ebony: What was it?
Aluris displays a saber, of the same color as the Postosaurolophus Zord and Janus's ranger uniform.
Nyuwii: This saber belonged to Janus. After she died, Aurelius threw it away to erase her memory, but we found it.
Aluris: Evelyn. Since you came into contact with her soul, do you think you can handle the saber?
Evelyn takes it, and tries it out.
Evelyn: It has some weight to it. You think Janus would be ok with me wielding her weapon?
Aluris: If she let you use her zord, I'm fairly certain she'll be content to let her use her weapon.
Evelyn: But what if we can't save him?
Auburn: We won't know unless we try.
Aluris: If you can, I'll see if I can find his location.
Cyan: He was there at the tomb last time we saw him, so he shouldn't be far.
Evelyn: Then that's where we'll find him.
Aluris: Good luck, Rangers.
The rangers go to the ruined tomb. So far, there is no sign of him. Daisy then spots him with his enhanced vision, near the broken entrance.
Daisy: There he is. Get down, he might see us.
They bunker down to hide.
Auburn: Alright, from what we've seen, Aurelius is no pushover, so we need to handle this carefully.
Cyan: I agree. If we sneak up on him, we may achieve the element of-
Aurelius: SURPRISE!!!
Aurelius blasts at them with his staff. It knocks them back, prompting Evelyn gets the Saber out. Aurelius' eyes widen upon seeing that.
Aurelius: Where did you get that?
Evelyn: You remember Janus, don't you?
Aurelius' heart skips a beat upon hearing that name.
Aurelius: I don't know what you're talking about.
Evelyn: Janus? You used to save the day with her.
Aurelius: Yeah, then I lost her.
Evelyn: She died fighting Diablominus, why unleash the very monster she died trying to destroy? She was your life.
Aurelius: She was a liability!
Evelyn: You fought beside her and that is what you got to say?! Zorgonus is only using you for your power.
Cyan: She's right. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you. You know it's true.
Aurelius: Your bond with one another is the reason you keep losing.
Auburn: Well, it's better than ending up alone like you.
Evelyn: If Janus were here, she'd be horrified on what you become.
This triggers him to attack them all aggressively. Evelyn holds strong, drawing the saber out to block his attack.
Evelyn: Tell me this. Why even serve a monster like Zorgonus? What did he promise you?
Aurelius: Power, so I can become the greatest Ranger of them all! More powerful than even all five of you combined!
Evelyn: And forget about unity? Forget your duty as a ranger?! If you really are a monster, you're giving us no choice.
Aurelius: We'll see about your outcome.
They two rangers lunge. Evelyn manages to hold her own for a while. Soon, Aurelius gets the upper hand and overpowers her. This prompts Daisy to move in to help. Without thinking, the other Rangers decide to help her. It soon starts raining and the Gold Titan Zord arrives.
Daisy: Oh come on!
Aurelis: Lets' see how strong you really are.
He jumps into his zord, and it transforms into Golden Warrior Megazord.
Evelyn: Auburn, lets get the Zords.
Auburn: Ok...
He calls the Zords. They combine into the Alayssian Megazord, with the Green Zord forming one of the arms.
Auburn: Remember guys. We need unity this time. So let's do this together.
The two Megazords charge and collide with one another. They constantly fight, and are in a stalemate. The Postosaurolophus component then does something new.
Evelyn: What's it doing?
The Megazord suddenly commands vines to entangle the Golden Megazord, slowly tearing it apart.
Aurelius: What is this?!
Evelyn: Retribution...
Soon, the evil Megazord is destroyed, leaving Aurelius alone on the ground. The remaining Megazord detaches into its normal Zords, and the Rangers exit them. Standing before the fallen Aurelius, Evelyn raises her saber, as if to strike him. Instead, she throws it to the ground beside him, confusing him.
Aurelius: Why spare me?
Auburn: A true Ranger knows not when to take a life, but when to spare one. Let's go, guys. We have a city to save.
The Rangers depart with their Zords to go to the city. Aurelius removes his helmet, revealing blue eyes and long, golden hair. He picks up the saber and looks at it. He doesn't want to admit it, but he does still miss his former partner.
Aurelius: Janus...
To be continued...
Power Rangers (c) Hasbro
Characters (c) Me & Dinossword