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Again ... What if Mystique, Azazel (as seen in movie "X-men : first class") and Nightcrawler actually were a family?
Obviously, it wasn't Azazel who insisted on keeping a baby
When Kurt was born, Azazel didn't instantly start to love him. Even after some time he cared about Kurt only because of Raven. ...In the end he simply grew accustomed to his son.
Poor little Kurt, he loved his father and he looked up to him That's why in my alternative universe Kurt never discovered god - he always had a devil beside him
On the first picture Kurt grabs Azazel by the collar of his shirt.
On the 3rd picture, Kurt is very amused - it's the first time he uses his superhuman agility He is few months old, and Raven just doesn't know what he is capable of. And Azazel doesn't really care how amazing his child is - the only thing he knows is that Kurt doesn't want to let him go.
1. - Вы двое можете поиграть вместе пока я приготовлю нам обед.
- ...Это плохая идея!..
2. - Рейвен.
3. - Сними это.
- Азазель, ты идиот!!! Почему ты так держишь Курта?!..
Hilarious, funny, fun, comic strip, comics, comix, fan art, fanart, drawing, pictures, drawings, darkholme, cute, headcanon, pairing, wagner, люди икс, даркхолм, курт, юмор, приколы, прикол, комиксы, комикс, семья, хэдканон, фан арт, картинки, рисунки, курт вагнер.