Comments: 63
Ihatetrolls [2011-05-16 19:36:44 +0000 UTC]
go fuck yourself
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to layger7 [2010-08-22 00:14:14 +0000 UTC]
I agree. I like SF64's voice actors. (At least you can understand them. But seriously. WTF IS UP WITH SLIPPY'S VOICE? GAWD!) Though the SNES one was awesome too. Cuz not the voices. XD
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GUNRAPT0R [2010-08-21 23:56:14 +0000 UTC]
Sonic Colors...?
I prefer this [link]
You did a good job.
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fatguy88 [2010-08-19 01:20:53 +0000 UTC]
poor sonic. sega has raped him hard
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 01:47:37 +0000 UTC]
You probably noticed my hate for Sonic by now. ಠ_ಠ
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 01:58:01 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I used my godly powers to make it rain down on your parade. He just gets really annoying to me sometimes. ಠ_ಠ
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 16:37:06 +0000 UTC]
Yes he has. Yes, the storylines were decent before, but now it makes Pikmin seem like a manly-and-better game. lol
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 16:38:36 +0000 UTC]
It makes Pokemon look manlier than Call of Duty. XD
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 16:41:17 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. Have you seen the legendary Reshiram? It looks like it has a little something-something. XD
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fatguy88 In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-19 16:50:54 +0000 UTC]
when i get to it i will and that pic you sent me what was up that guys ass
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 16:51:56 +0000 UTC]
and okay
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fatguy88 In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-19 16:56:00 +0000 UTC]
i thought it was a strange looking dick or a white piece of shit
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to fatguy88 [2010-08-19 16:57:15 +0000 UTC]
The front is where it looks like his dick. The back is his tail. DERP.
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Raven-Raspera [2010-08-18 19:07:12 +0000 UTC]
Some of the Sonic games are good, but Sonic is not the only furry, the hottest one, and definitely not the overall best. The games are getting progressively suckish these days. Matches the non-Nintendo gamers then
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-18 19:09:43 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I know. Some are good, but not the best. And have you heard about the new game Sonic Colors? Sheesh, it looks kinda... eep... I think SEGA is trying too hard for this series... ._.
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Raven-Raspera In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-18 21:30:42 +0000 UTC]
Ugh. The last Sonic game I got was Chronicles, which was a decent game because it was an RPG, and made by a third party who've made some epic games in the past. (I love RPGs with a burning passion) The recent games have all been rubbish though. Secret Rings, Black Knight, and God forbid a mention of Sonic 2006. That game supports bestiality, for the love of God! The only reason I'd play it would be for Blaze, because she's the kickass female the series needed.
I haven't heard of it, and I'd rather stay in the dark about it. ._.
They just need to go back to their roots. I think that something like Sonic Rush but better would do well, because that's what made Sonic popular-being a blue hedgehog that would die unless you watched him at all times. Sonic Adventure may have been a good game (I never played it) so any action adventure games from now on should be like that. (Personally, I wouldn't object to another RPG, but again, that's just me) I think we can safely say that, in the area of moving away from roots, Mario has fared much better than Sonic.
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-18 23:11:00 +0000 UTC]
The only Sonic game I have is.... Well... I can't even find it anymore. (HOORAH!) Yes, I don't like Sonic, but I agree that Blaze is a total kick-ass. Just what the series needed.
Yeah.. Hear about it, wish I didn't. I mean, it doesn't make much sense. Do his powers like change color with a different one of those things-that-kinda-look-like-uxie/azelf/mesprit? And what majkes it worse is that the characters have new voice actors, and Sonic's is a guy meant for super manly bass-ass male characters. And my God, Tail's is Sakura Haruno's voice actor!!!
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Raven-Raspera In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-18 23:28:19 +0000 UTC]
Most of the female characters are just manga stereotypes. I think a certain pink-haired girl influenced whoever was in charge of Amy's character. Two pink haired tsunderes? That's stereotyping!
It was better back in the day, when my mum used to play it, mostly because there was no stupid plot, just a blue dot whizzing across the screen.
I don't get it. I just don't.
...what? Nonono! Sonic is a bratty cocky fifteen-year-old. Like him or not, that's what he'll always be. Giving him a manly voice is like putting marmite on ice cream or something weird like that. It's wrong.
How odd, I was sure that Amy would get Sakura's voice if anyone did , for the above reason. Well, whatever, it's just stupid.
Seriously, Mario was the shit back in the 70s/80s, and that hasn't changed. The XBox fanboys can bitch about it all they like, but it's the truth. Plus, Mario will age well and everyone can enjoy it, whereas Call of Duty can and will not. (Just because I own an XBox, doesn't mean I prefer it to Nintendo. I just got it so I could play Final Fantasy)
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-18 23:36:48 +0000 UTC]
Oh, yes. And Rouge (or however you spell her name)... Geez, is her design even child-appropriate? Holy flying fuck...
I know. It's horrible. D:
Mario WAS the shit, Mario IS the shit, and Mario WILL ALWAYS BE the shit. Hell, I find Kirby games more appealing than Call of Duty. I'm getting peer pressure from Microsoft fanboys that say "Well, Wii is old!" or "XBOX will always be better!" Sheesh. They can try all they want. Besides, I only use my Wii to play SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, and my Gamecube games. I wouldn't mind if the only gaming system I had was the N64 my family had for years! I still play SSB with it! XD (lol final fantasy is awesome)
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Raven-Raspera In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-19 00:03:24 +0000 UTC]
I know! Rouge is an okay character, but God, her outfit! And don't even get me started on the Sues and recolours! If I see another hedgehog character who's in love with Shadow, I WILL SHOOT MYSELF! I made an OC for Sonic once, and at least she made sense. Koalas do spend most of the day sleeping!
I will only get the decent handheld Sonic games from now on. That is, if they'll exist.
Hell yes. The thing is, I grew up with Nintendo and PS2, and Nintendo had the better games for the most part. Ah, Pokemon, how I love thee.
The Wii will never get old. Only the crappy third party games on it, and they exist on every console, even the sainted XBox. I have a lot of games, but I rarely play them. I spend too much time on the laptop.
Ah, the N64. If I ever got one, I would buy an old copy of Goldeneye and sit there for hours tilting the cartridge. =-P I'd probably just find some of the retro games and play them. (OoT and Majora's Mask would be a start...)
It is. I need to hunt down copies of a bunch of the games. And they're releasing 14 already? O.O I saw an advert for it in HMV today, and was like 'Wait what?'
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-19 00:10:40 +0000 UTC]
I know... DX
I won't even get any... >_> (lol)
Yeah. I grew up with only Nintendo. That's why I love it so much. XD
Same here. I have so many games, but I don't play them much because 1) I don't find many appealing, 2) Some are old and I'm kinda tired of them, or 3) I'm too lazy...
I friggin' love the N64! It's plugged in my room. It's my sister's, but I'm the one constantly using it! Plus, there are some games for the good ol' 64 that I wanna buy. (Kirby 64, Starfox64, Mario Kart64, Ocarina of Time, get Dr. Mario 64 AGAIN... Let's just say that I currently want a lot of them. XD)
WHAT?!!! 14 ALREADY?!! O.O
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Raven-Raspera In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-19 00:38:42 +0000 UTC]
That'd be the best course of action. DX
I just get lazy, or aren't appealed by them. Although I love most of them, so yeah, it's laziness.
I want one! (Or maybe I could just download from the Virtual console... Nah, it isn't the same)
Yeah, it's another online one, like 11. It looks pretty good, but I just looked it up, and it's only for the PS3 and PC. Well, I have a PC but it lags. The games have come a long way since the original.
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-19 00:42:36 +0000 UTC]
I don't really like Sonic, if you can tell... XD
Yeah same here XD
Nope, I doubt it's the same with the VC. Better off with eBay? XD
Oh, yes...
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-19 16:01:10 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... XD
That reminds me... I should go to Goodwill and look for Starfox64 there... and a piano... >_>
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Raven-Raspera In reply to Death-Note-Ninja02 [2010-08-19 17:13:27 +0000 UTC]
A piano? Lol, pianos are awesome! So is Starfox, I assume. (I've never actually played it...)
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Death-Note-Ninja02 In reply to Raven-Raspera [2010-08-19 17:15:46 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. I can play the theme of Tetris and The Legend of Zelda. And Keyboard Cat.
This coming from somebody who hates Sonic, I think Starfox is better than it. WHAT IS BETTER THAN A SPACE GAME WITH FURRIES IN IT?!! PLUS, STARFOX64 IS THE SPAWNER OF ALMOST EVERY STARFOX MEME OF ALL TIME!!!!!!
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