Deathcomes4u — Screw You Bay

Published: 2011-07-30 07:26:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 1212; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 9
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Description I Drew this on the way home from watching TF3.
Because I was pissed.

I realise this may be a spoiler, but peeps who care should know it by now anyway. It's essentially only a five second thing in the movie. Like. Literally. NO FUSS IS MADE DESPITE THE FACT IT SHOULD BE.

I had no refs naturally, so it may be grossly innacurate, but the point is more the content than the bot's design details.

ALSO can you get the silicon heaven refference? Unless you've watched Red Dwarf, you won't.
I seem to vaguely remember someone saying 'I'll see you in silicon Hell!' in the movie (was it Epps?), and I laughed, because whether they know it or not, they just refferenced RD, which is fucking awesome.
So i included a windows screensaver toaster and a CALCULATOR for Kriten's benefit.

So yea. Woop-d-doo.

And i gave it a black border because it just needed one, shutup.
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Comments: 48

ilovetransformersss [2012-01-29 18:43:07 +0000 UTC]

I mourned 'Hide's death! I cried the first two times I saw DOTM! Absolutely LOVED him.

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Tessombra [2012-01-03 17:24:26 +0000 UTC]

It took me ages to actually comment on this---the movie pissed me off JUST that much (and then the news about Bay being asked to do 4--holy shite!). And that long (I'm military--I'm STILL mourning fallen comrade YEARS later--Bay is such an unfeeling, unaware entity).

BUT, the bit about dropping his cannons--yeah, that got a chuckle.

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Froststripe [2011-10-22 04:08:55 +0000 UTC]

-sighs- Ironhide's death was definitely not given the time it needed. I still don't get how they just killed him. I mean, yeah I saw it. But it was freakin' IRONHIDE! That should've just been an injury....

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salinea [2011-08-17 23:45:16 +0000 UTC]

When Ironhide ate it I did the mental Darth Vader NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Then I pouted for the next ten minutes griping about Ironhide. He didn't even get any last words or nothin! I can understand a fatal injury but just POOF! Gone?! I was going to just throw my hands up in the air, say "THAT'S IT!", and walk out if they had gotten Bumblebee.

Also Shockwave death was disappoint. He was so kewl (I really like his Bay-former design ) but the way they took him down was SO LAME. Sheet over the eye? REALLY?! He could have torn that off like a boss and just sideswiped the building with his gun. And no amount of pew pew is going to make his optic just fall out of its mount. It would be like kamikaze gnats assaulting your eyes. It might be funky and sting a bit but it wont make them fall out x.x

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LucretziaReign [2011-08-07 22:51:44 +0000 UTC]

*sobs* I really don't get why Bay had to turn him into rust... *chokes*
Damn you Bay! I will never forgive you for this.

To be honest, I had to laugh a few times during the movie, but when Ironhide died, I was in a state of shock. It was worse then Optimus dying (and that isn't so bad since he nearly always comes back).
Still... it was horrible.

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RogueofAsgard [2011-08-07 00:11:52 +0000 UTC]

everything about this makse me happy. because... you're right. I burst into tears when they killed Hide.... and then i couldn't believe that they didn't even mention him. he was Prime's great warrior, for spirit's sake. i was so damned pissed off about that... i'm glad that i'm not the only one that was.
at least Jazz got something.

also Red Dwarf = awesomesauce.

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AutobotProwl [2011-08-06 03:25:54 +0000 UTC]

just about sums it up. if this is sort of a knockoff, I can't wait to see more. :-D

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KilluaScreamer [2011-08-05 23:53:26 +0000 UTC]

. . . I-I. . . wow. . . *falls over laughing*

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Saiyuki-chan [2011-08-05 01:19:43 +0000 UTC]

yeah I would do the same. Shocked the hell outta me when Michael Bay took him out....

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primenatorgirl217 [2011-08-02 01:22:25 +0000 UTC]

It wasn't even that Hide died that ticked me off. It was that no one really reacted to it. Just to Sentinel's betrayal. I mean, I would've thought Optimus or Lennox or someone would've said SOMETHING.

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Deathcomes4u In reply to primenatorgirl217 [2011-08-02 01:55:35 +0000 UTC]

SAME. The bots are written in in such a way that it's like no-one cares if their characterisations make any sense. They just show up and do stuff, their reactions are random and inconsistent with personality traits they should have >.<

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primenatorgirl217 In reply to Deathcomes4u [2011-08-02 03:23:12 +0000 UTC]

True that.

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The-Solidstrike [2011-08-01 18:55:38 +0000 UTC]

I so dang agree with you! Ironhide was the collest char and they shot him off like that. That so damn sucks! If he would at least have died an honorable death but being shot in the back by a traitor... Man They could have thought up something better like ironhide heroicly sacrificing himself... Or just letting him stay alive (what I personally would have liked most) but noooo... >

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Scentrus [2011-08-01 16:25:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeaaahhhhh, I don't blame you at all. I couldn't believe they killed him off at first.. then I thought about the cartoon movie and was like.. "Oh I see what they did there..." TOTAL asshole is what Bay is, that's for sure..

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 10:58:58 +0000 UTC]

Ahh well they HAD to kill someone off we were attached too, that's the whole point; Bumblebee was out because the kids are pretty much only seeing the film because of him, Optimus was out because of what happened in RotF, Ratchet was out because ... well, killing off the medic is pretty pointless. The point is the story NEEDED it to be someone that the audience knew and loved for the implications of it to really hit home; logically Ironhide was the best choice (As sad as that is).

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 18:40:32 +0000 UTC]

yeah true.. I still say it should have been Bumblebee though, they could have easily brought him back as Goldbug lol

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 18:45:05 +0000 UTC]

But they didn't rename Megatron because it'd have confused non-fans so the likelihood of that was pretty slim.

The minute you start renaming known characters in films you start causing real confusion and when it comes to big budget blockbusters it's best to assume those seeing it aren't there to be intellectually stimulated.

I didn't find his death the most shocking though, it's hinted at in the tie ins (Optimus calls Ironhide he's his best friend, anyone who knows anything about films knows that's a death sentence!); no, the one that got me was Wheeljack/Que because it was so emotive and evocative of real life scenarios especially when he begs them to talk it out ... That to me was the most shocking one.

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 18:52:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that's also quite true, it wasn't a surprise to me either because of the cartoon movie where more then half of them up and die. I think the one thing I DID like however about Ironhide's death is the fact that Sentinel used the Cosmic Rust to do it. And yeah, Que's death was pretty shocking to say the least, wasn't totally expecting it.

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 19:05:31 +0000 UTC]

It's always nice to have a little nod for the fans but part of the trick with a live action adaptation of existing material is collaring new fans. Heck, I only went back to G1 because of seeing the Bay films (I'm a child of the 80's so I DO remember the original but not well enough, now I know it well enough!).

But yes, I was very shocked by Que's death.

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 19:10:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. I've seen all of G-1 & G-2, also recently finished watching Super God Master Force. Gotta respect all the classics lol

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 19:14:10 +0000 UTC]

I actually found that I enjoyed Animated the most, if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it; Tom Kenny's Starscream is a very good homage for the original.

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 19:23:02 +0000 UTC]

I've seen all of Animated^^ It was amazing in both English and Japanese, though the Japanese opening appealed to me more because I'm a huge anime fan lol

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 19:24:00 +0000 UTC]

The opening for Animated in Japanese is definitely better!

I loved Animated, I watch it over and over (Or I would if season 3 had a DVD release ...).

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 19:39:28 +0000 UTC]

[link] this MV is pretty damn good, check it out if you like.

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 19:41:50 +0000 UTC]

Someone spent a lot of time on that one!

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 19:44:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it's beautifully put together though don'tcha think?

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 19:45:26 +0000 UTC]


People are so good at these things.

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Scentrus In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-03 19:47:47 +0000 UTC]

I wanna learn how to make good videos like that one at some point^^

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Pilotslover In reply to Scentrus [2011-08-03 19:51:35 +0000 UTC]


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Pilotslover [2011-08-01 07:58:20 +0000 UTC]

I was pissed about the lack of attention Optimus got in the last one, only reaction shots were Sam and Lennox ...

I mean, really?!

This guy is the Autobot leader, in most cases he's a friend and yet we don't see any of them react to his death.

I got the reference *loves Red Dwarf*, it's more amusing if you think the Toaster is Talky ... XD

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Deathcomes4u In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-01 13:08:39 +0000 UTC]


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Pilotslover In reply to Deathcomes4u [2011-08-01 15:38:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm just that awesome. XD

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Deathcomes4u In reply to Pilotslover [2011-08-02 01:56:32 +0000 UTC]


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Pilotslover In reply to Deathcomes4u [2011-08-02 07:34:26 +0000 UTC]


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LotteBubbles [2011-08-01 03:18:33 +0000 UTC]

I was sad...but you know...the battle had only just started things were mental. True they could have done something at the end but it got cut and hey-Silverbolt in his alt mode was there and yet he didnt actaully show up in the movie-stuff gets cut- I totally get it....wish they had done somthing though don't hate bay- hate the editor.

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Deathcomes4u In reply to LotteBubbles [2011-08-01 13:11:39 +0000 UTC]

Except that Michael Bay really is a douche of a director IMO :/ Seriously. First shot of Carly. HER ASS. Only important elements in his films: Humans, human stories, explosions, hot chicks, hot chicks wearing very little, sexual innuendo, more explosions, vague hint of plot. Not necessarily in that order.
The editor did what he could with what he was given, and what Bay gave him was a piece of shiyt :< Polish a turn and it's still a turd. It had it's moments, but overall, I was dissapoint.

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SeekerSaberstreak [2011-07-31 02:27:21 +0000 UTC]

i was pissed wen they killed jazz off, and was really pissed wen they killed hide off. damn that bay

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Rahkshi-Miraka [2011-07-30 15:42:36 +0000 UTC]

The freakin' turned him into rust... he complained about rust in the first movie BAY WHAT IS YOUR FUCKIN' DEAL?! First Jazz, then Arcee behind the scenes, then all but nine of the entire Autobot squad over the next unrecorded two or so years, now Ironhide?!

Bay, you are a bitch. Like Megatron. Where he's Sentinel's bitch, you're BOTH of theirs.

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TaintedTamer [2011-07-30 14:49:49 +0000 UTC]

D'aw, poor Ironhide. XD

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WingsofParadox [2011-07-30 10:51:44 +0000 UTC]

I mourned you Ironhide! DX My brother punched me because I was crying ;_;

I really wanted a better reaction from Lennox. Duhamel said that Ironhide was his favourite and they worked together for years. Some sort of reaction would have been nice. He just seemed a little pissed.

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AutobotProwl In reply to WingsofParadox [2011-08-06 03:29:51 +0000 UTC]

bay can't do emotional stuff. if it isn't falling out of panties or blowing up he can't figure it out.

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WingsofParadox In reply to AutobotProwl [2011-08-06 13:39:44 +0000 UTC]

I think he could if he tried, I mean, Armageddon and Pearl Harbour still makes me emotional, I just dont think he wants to take time out of his action for emotion

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Tiberius47 [2011-07-30 08:23:24 +0000 UTC]

Wasn't it the Red Dwarf episode with Hudzen in it? "Kryten, you're still not dead yet!" Great stuff. The Iron shall lie down with the lamp...

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Deathcomes4u In reply to Tiberius47 [2011-07-30 08:43:38 +0000 UTC]

yes exactly

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ToaVeka [2011-07-30 08:19:36 +0000 UTC]

I know I should comment on the movie or something.. but I'm sorry, that toaster with wings makes me way too happy.

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Deathcomes4u In reply to ToaVeka [2011-07-30 08:43:47 +0000 UTC]

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Swift117 [2011-07-30 08:04:07 +0000 UTC]


Well done tribute.
I havent seen it yet - actually, i have no wish to watch it. Maybe, when i stumble upon it on TV.

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Hezzah-Rae [2011-07-30 07:50:54 +0000 UTC]

I love you for this.

I was so pissed off about that. Poor Ironhide. He deserved so much more than what they gave him.

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