DemonAnastasi — Dantalion Concept Art

#abs #adamsapple #ankles #ass #bara #biceps #bigmuscles #book #bulge #cleftchin #delicious #delts #demon #gay #gayart #gayman #handonhip #handsome #holding #homoerotic #horns #hunk #hunky #longhair #lust #lusty #male #man #mask #muscular #nipples #obliques #pecs #quadriceps #raisedeyebrow #robe #sassy #seduction #seductive #sexy #sexypose #smirk #spikedhair #spikyhair #strong #stud #studly #trapezius #traps #triceps #dantalion #romannose #deltoids #serratusanterior #sternocleidomastoids #gaydemon #hairhorns #hypermuscular #nipplesshowing #aquilinenose #gaymuscle #thick #thicc #strongjawline
Published: 2018-05-20 19:57:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 1747; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Goodness gracious, that robe of his was tedious to color.

I was having difficulty drawing him holding his book, so I just drew him levitating it. Gives a clear picture of the cover, too.

Dantie's handsome as hell
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