Movie ninjago AU - Fuschia Squad
Cinbe is a nickname
Arisu - document name
Age: 15-16
Team: neutral, Fuchia Squad
Main colors: magenta, purple
Things: Large collection of masks
Herbaries in books - many books for drying plants
Mainly speaks sign language
part of a teenage rebellion against her father, only talking to people them's comfortable with
Like: Tino - their cat, shells
Bruh: dad, jellyfish - slippery
Father works for M!Garmadon
Mother works for M! M. Chen, where she first met Chad and his lil sis
The second time they decided to help Fuchsia ninja in 11 year
Power: Surprise - Surprise
Good in hiding and there are many colored neon signs in the city
There is also protection for the knees, under the ninja pants