devilnightking100 — Catching up

Published: 2021-02-07 02:59:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 834; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Putting on a friendly face, Kya stood. Chelsey stood with a scowl. "Hi, Hikari. How's it been?" Kya asked in obvious forced politeness.
"Oh, you know. Just being my wonderful self." Hikari replied with a smirk.
Chelsey scoffed. "Yeah, and are you any good at boxing yet?" she asked dryly.
Hikari glared at the succubus. "I'm the best boxer in the league! Don't think you can keep that belt forever you damned pretneder!" she snapped.
This time Chelsey laughed. "Bitch, Kya and I have been swapping the number 1 and 2 spots between us for years now and you're only scraping by at 10th cause you're spreading your legs for the officials."
Hikari was clearly about to lash out.
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