Dottea β€” Improvement!??

Published: 2017-03-29 09:05:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 439; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 1
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Description I wanted to actually post this too cause damn look at that difference! And these were only drawn a few months apart too qoq don't give up on your work guys! It's getting better faster than you know!!

Left is from last night and right is from about 2-4 months ago!

Character belongs to Barnie22
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Comments: 11

Esiano [2017-03-29 17:15:27 +0000 UTC]

hi your artwork is lovely and the improvement is super great!
i love the impact the black lineart gives and your shading is really pretty! :>

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Dottea In reply to Esiano [2017-03-29 17:42:22 +0000 UTC]

;v; ahh thank you so much!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Barnie22 [2017-03-29 15:37:36 +0000 UTC]

my favourite part is his uber defined collar bones XD
I find it as cool as you! My improvement is a lot slower unfortunately :/

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Dottea In reply to Barnie22 [2017-03-29 16:18:35 +0000 UTC]

It's okay, we all improve at our own paces! <3 Lately I've been looking a lot more into how-to's and tutorials and it honestly has made a massive difference so I'd advise you to do the same <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Z0RDIC [2017-03-29 12:03:41 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh, your noses are so fleekΒ *heart ache* so fabu- so fabu it hurts,
Anyway, Really lovely artwork, true imporvement!
Although as a colorblind /color code challenged person, I really enjoy black lineworks xD but the other one blends so much better

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Dottea In reply to Z0RDIC [2017-03-29 16:19:19 +0000 UTC]

;<; thanks!!

I do like the coloured lines, but I like my work looking much more defined and standing out which is why most my work has darker lines lately - I guess it depends on if I'm going for a more paint-y look or not!

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Z0RDIC In reply to Dottea [2017-03-29 16:24:02 +0000 UTC]

ye! I get you! Dude, I am so happy I found your art, you really inspire me to draw my own OC a lotΒ 
Really, I love every piece I've seen so far! and it means a lot to me to see someone develop especially in this way!
You did so well, and you are so welcome!
Keep it up!

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Dottea In reply to Z0RDIC [2017-03-29 16:28:11 +0000 UTC]

qvq you're such a lil' sweetie omg thank you! And please, draw your OCs!! I'm just one of those folks who love to see galleries full of people's original content over fanart lmao <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Z0RDIC In reply to Dottea [2017-03-29 16:50:25 +0000 UTC]

I have Fan OC's but still;
Ocs, still my babies!!! But yeh, I get you, However, I only fanart things I truly enjoy myself, aka; undertale.
As a good sample of mind, though, I truly don't see a point in fanart'ing Β "popular" things I personally don't like.

So same,
original content > Fanart; fan content

But then again, depends on what it is!
You are a sweetie too C: <3Β 

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IntestineBowties [2017-03-29 09:26:21 +0000 UTC]

Aaaahh you improve your art so well and so fast!Β 

Keep it up your art is so pleasant to look at ;;w;;Β 

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Dottea In reply to IntestineBowties [2017-03-29 16:19:38 +0000 UTC]

qvq thank you honey x

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