WIP of Cry in SnK.
(It’s from a sequence in the Anime, also: it's a GIF because I have no other means to animate... O)
Uhhhh… yeah.
I recently found out a lot of the YouTubers I watch, watch SnK or AoT.
Cry (Cryaotic or ChaoticMonki, whichever name you fancy) was the first person I discovered to watch the show .
And then this happened in the spur of the moment.
It’s a WIP.
Cry, in the rare chance that you see this: Uhhh, I hope you like it and if you’re not really into SnK anymore, I’m sorry ^v^;
(Iamnotsure,shouldIaddcolor? ButthatisgoingtobesomuchworkespeciallyifIwannafinishtheothersaswell)