DrDoomy — Dragalge Character Concept

Published: 2013-10-25 09:01:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1214; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description Just an idea for a Dragalge character. Urgh I really want him somewhere. ;A; I was actually considering turning Lance into one of these... or just straight up replacing him sob. I don't know what to do I want him in an actual group I can enjoy using him in.

I don't have much personality or anything else decided on him yet, though I imagine him having that 'cool guy' motif. Or something. Idk. Like really chill about everything. Which would be way easier for me to RP than Lance whose a jerk sigh. 8I But I love Lance. Decisions decisions.
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Comments: 32

Jojothekitty [2013-12-10 23:26:45 +0000 UTC]

I like it so much! Dragalge is my favorite gen VI pokémon and you did an amazing job for the creation of an actual character. I like the pokémon even more now that I can think about him as the ''cool guy''.

Keep on the great work!

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MagicBirb [2013-10-25 15:23:41 +0000 UTC]

Gimme your design skills alfndknemdd he looks amazing! 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrDoomy In reply to MagicBirb [2013-10-25 15:27:05 +0000 UTC]

Pfffbt no shush he's not that amazing ;7;

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MagicBirb In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-26 01:27:25 +0000 UTC]

oiejgqejg yes he is what are you talking about 8U

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HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 14:59:49 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, I'm in about the same position with Lisa and my Floette. I'd say that if you can come up with a good enoughpersonality/background story, and you're still excited, you should put him somewhere. =v=

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 15:13:26 +0000 UTC]

Bahaha yeaaaaah. Decisions man. lD
Eh I've got a basic idea about his personality. Don't know what to do with his history yet though, since usually I need to know what kind of realm/group I'm going to put him into before coming up with a history. XD; I do want to use him somewhere though ugh. Just most of the group I'm in or could join I'm kind of meh about right now. lD

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HimeHeishi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 15:23:27 +0000 UTC]

Meh about them in general, or putting him in them?

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 15:26:11 +0000 UTC]

In general. lD A lot of them either I stopped being interested in or stopped having fun in. And I want him to be somewhere I can actually have fun with him with ;7;

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HimeHeishi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 15:28:24 +0000 UTC]

even Armonia? O:

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 15:29:39 +0000 UTC]

Nah not Armonia. XD I still have fun with Tei and you and whatnot.
Digital-Crossing is still fun too.
More like... everything else besides those two. lD
And I guess Pkmn-Steam cause it's my group to but bleh I guess the fun gets sucked out of that one since I have to run everything. lD

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HimeHeishi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 15:33:47 +0000 UTC]

aaah. well I could ask Bunny if you're qualified for a third character, if you really want him ouo then you wouldn't need to switch Lance out. Of course if she's says no, there's not much I can do. I would imagine you are qualified, though.

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 15:38:23 +0000 UTC]

Pfffbt you don't have to do that ;v; I would love to have him though so ;;7;;
I don't want to like, ask you to do that though that wouldn't feel fair. lD You know? If that makes sense. But if you wanna I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. ;7; <3

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HimeHeishi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 17:26:04 +0000 UTC]

buahaha, it's literally not that hard on my part. I pretty much just go to Buns on skype and be like" Yo does Doomy have perks" and she gives me a yes or a no. if it's yes, you purchase a third character slot and then send the app in when it's done.

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 17:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Well if you want to then. ; w ;
Though I thought that 3rd character were free if you got the perk thing? XD Unless that's what you were meaning pfft. Not like it matters with how many points I have fft.

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HimeHeishi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 17:47:57 +0000 UTC]

Naaah, I think the third costs as much as the second character, but if you have the perks, the second is free, and you have the possibility of buying a third?.. Idk if you're not sure, I can check that with Buns when I ask her about if you even have them or not.

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 18:02:36 +0000 UTC]

I remember when she wrote the blog and stuff on them. The Perk thing works like, if you already have your 2nd, and it's paid for you get a 3rd character for free. But if you only have a single character and get the perk, then you get your 2nd free and can buy a 3rd the same way as you could a 2nd. lD;
It doesn't matter much to me, though I guess haha. lD Like I said I don't want to like 'ask' you to do it since it's supposed to be like, for being a loyal member and stuff. lD;;

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HimeHeishi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 18:38:14 +0000 UTC]

Aaah, that makes sense. idk I might as well ask, anyway.
Pff you're not asking, I'm offering.

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DrDoomy In reply to HimeHeishi [2013-10-25 19:07:08 +0000 UTC]

Well alrighty then ;v;
Yeah I guess that's true hahah lD

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QueenZephy [2013-10-25 14:21:05 +0000 UTC]

Dragaaaaaaaalge~ He looks really cool Shadow ouo I wish you luck in finding a spot for him~

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DrDoomy In reply to QueenZephy [2013-10-25 14:24:23 +0000 UTC]

Thanks~ uvu

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vamqi [2013-10-25 11:11:55 +0000 UTC]

ah ohmygod i love his design oAo

why must you be so good at making such cool characters sob

i swear to god if you get rid of Lance im stealing him from you *huggles him*

jerky snake is a jerk

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DrDoomy In reply to vamqi [2013-10-25 11:44:13 +0000 UTC]

Pssssh thanks so much >v<
Gaaah idk? lD; I don't think my characters are all that great ffft

Psssh well if I replace him I won't get rid of him completely. XD He'd just end up somewhere else or just a regular OC. XD /if/ I do that fff

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vamqi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 11:59:41 +0000 UTC]

no they're great ;u;

you make such nice backstories for them and their personalities and designs are all different and their own

yeah ik i was just joking XD

also i havnt talked to you in forever how are you? ouo

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DrDoomy In reply to vamqi [2013-10-25 13:01:14 +0000 UTC]

Fffflkjasdfa ; v ;

Pfft I know I know. XD I twas just saying~
Eh alright I suppose. Life's been hectic but that's nothing new. lD Wbu?

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vamqi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 13:15:47 +0000 UTC]

Life's been good here, half day today and doing a lipdub with some friends that our school is doing and we watched a rival schools lipdub today in choir so that was fun

and eh life is always hectic all we can do is push forward and look to a better day

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DrDoomy In reply to vamqi [2013-10-25 13:44:39 +0000 UTC]

Haha that does sound fun~ ouo
Yeaaahaha I just hopes things get better today. My grandma's been in the hospital I'm just hoping she'll be coming home today. lD No word on that though yet

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vamqi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 13:49:43 +0000 UTC]

Well I do hope your grandma will get better soon, its never good when those things happen ono

and yes it is and then we're gonna go to Jenna's, avoid her brothers and watch horror movies, watch anime (we're nerd), and draw XD

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DrDoomy In reply to vamqi [2013-10-25 14:10:29 +0000 UTC]

Yeeaah thanks she will though. I mean I've been talking to her on the phone and stuff, she's feeling better now she just has to wait and see what the doctor's say and stuff.
Haha I see~ Fun fun uvu

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vamqi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 14:15:28 +0000 UTC]

oh thats good, also my friend is stalking my profile

kayla stoooppppp

but yeah im glad your grandma is getting better though, shes a tough woman im guessing? XD

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DrDoomy In reply to vamqi [2013-10-25 14:20:33 +0000 UTC]


Mhmm~ She is. XD She's been through worse so. lD

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vamqi In reply to DrDoomy [2013-10-25 14:23:28 +0000 UTC]

Makes sense haha, my nanas a tough old nut too ouo

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Hizakuru [2013-10-25 10:37:32 +0000 UTC]

He is so cool!! I know, I'm still finding more pokemon RP groups,I hope you can find a group for him:3

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