DropDeadMitsu — Emotions Out

Published: 2011-05-23 23:07:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 74; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Accidentally vented out all of my emotions and secrets and some questions. Oops. I love the style, though. Sorry for the large file size. It's smaller than it was.

Well, if you want to know what the text says, from top to bottom, it is:

Don't confuse "I love you" with "I'm in love with you."

If you're in love with me, please treat me like it.

I think we're meant to be together.

If you could, would you marry me?

If I was yours, would you treat me right?

Could you be sweeter?

Do you want to love me?

Would you ever be mine?

Is it okay that I want to die?

Is it okay that my heart hurts?

Is it okay that I'm jealous?

I feel like second best.

She doesn't deserve you...

All of the compliments you give me are just EMPTY LIES to make me feel better.


So.. Yeah, you can see my mindset here.
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