Here is a family portrait of my aristocratic family for the SuperPowered-City group.
On the far left is the father, Grayson Vandeen, who is now deceased. He was a very serious man. He was quite business-like. He placed great value on his aristocratic heritage and did his best to pass that on to his two children. He valued money a great deal but power even more! He did not care for the current royal family because of the King's marriage to a commoner. He felt that this would compromise the purity of the royal line. He did not to see the aristocracy tainted by common blood. After all, if the king could marry a plain, common girl then the rest of the aristocrats would think it was alright and begin to do it too. Then what? His whole way of life could fall apart! So he made sure to make this point of view understood to his older son. He wanted Mirael to be sure that he devoted himself to protecting his way of life and especially when his little sister was born.
Mirael Grayson Vandeen, my villain, stands next to his father.
The young lady in white is my heroine Gabriella Ariella Vandeen.
The older woman in black is their mother, Nautica Vandeen, also now deceased. She had some mild water-based powers that she rarely ever used. She agreed with her husband's opinions about the royal family and his fears about their loss of their extravagant way of life. However, rather than join a resistance group or try to assassinate the royals, she came up with a somewhat different plan. The king and queen had two sons. Both would be needing wives to produce heirs to the throne. Gabriella was the same age as the younger prince. While she and Grayson might be recognized as enemies of the royals but young Gabriella barely ever left the house. No one would no her. If they changed her last name, claiming that she was Mirael's half-sister, and did not tell her of their plans, she would simply think that she was a typical aristocratic girl intended to someday meet the princes and hopefully marry one. They would train her up for life as a proper queen and then when (they could not imagine that one of the prince's wouldn't fall for their lovely daughter) she had children the Vandeen bloodline would become royalty! She and Mirael would both be well taken care of and have plenty of money, power, attention, etc. It was the perfect plan! So that is what they had been doing with the children right up until they were killed in a limousine accident. Now Mirael continues to follow their plan and Gabriella continues to be in the dark.
Sapphire-Roz l Princess-Icicles l EchoesOfAnEnigma l Sonicgirl141 l FlyingFreedom13 l whitewolfdreamer27 l Candy-Cane-xo l Nobodisney l froggylover66 l falling-lights-3127 l Whirlpool24 l Lunakinesis l SpiderPrincipessa l visenyatargaryen12 l Rai-Knightshade l butterflycystal l insanetmntmusiclover l youngwolf13 l casimirnightshade l DarkQueen013 l impossiblegirl2003 l Marie798 l FallOutWoman l Rilee-Willow l Rapunzel-Arj l COnfessorRocksha l Lulu597 l suburbantimewaster l msbrit90 l goldfairie l Fabricolage l GLENDATHEKILLERDOLL