Ok, funny story about what inspired this OC! My sister, , told me she had a dream where she heard me screaming and when she found me, I was turned into an arachne (basically a spider centaur) and I was being chased by a swarm of spiders ‘cuz I was now a spider lady. All while I was begging her to squish me to put me out of my misery! (Ya know, sense I have arachnophobia (fear of spiders)) And apparently I wasn’t the only who transformed in her dream. You know the Thanos Snap? Well imagine that but instead of random people dying, random people get transformed into mythical monsters or creatures. The idea was intriguing to me and I thought it would actually be a good idea for an anime and ended up making this!
Meet Aruna Nisshoku!
I’ll add one later...
I hope you like and please comment!