EJoyArts — BBB - Scooby Doo

Published: 2012-04-15 00:42:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 4041; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 12
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Description Still trying to rescue Nerdlinger, ERod must face a movie of one of his not so favorite series of all times.

Trailer: [link]

Link for the episode: [link] at TGWTG.com

Drawings by ERod (find him at TGWTG , Youtube and Official Website )
Painting by me

Commisions are accepted.

This one had 2 final versions, with ERod in color and the Ghostly ERod you're seeing here.
About the movie... for me wasn't that bad, buuuuut.... Yeah, It get's silly sometimes. I only liked the casting, but didn't like how Scooby was made very much.
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Comments: 9

HELLISH-Werewolf [2012-04-15 14:57:23 +0000 UTC]

ok first new nightmare then wild wild west the brothers grim alvin and the chipmunks (guilty pleasure) now this -_- no other reveiwer go's after movies i like more than him

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EJoyArts In reply to HELLISH-Werewolf [2012-04-15 18:43:38 +0000 UTC]

There will be many material reviewers will disagree with us in many cases. ERod touched Green Hornet and I liked that movie (not because I'm a big Jay Chou fan and all the movie was so Bromance full xD, that's apart).

For me it's not a problem whichever happens to be the personal opinion of the reviewer about it, thats subjective, because at least the observations made are facts from the movie in a technical point of view, that validates their points in the argument. Besides... as Nostalgia Critic once said: They're there to make jokes, take it with grains of salt. Even if I like or dislike the movie reviewed, I still enjoy all the jokes they can milk from it xD

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HELLISH-Werewolf In reply to EJoyArts [2012-04-16 17:30:40 +0000 UTC]

me to and i forgot to add green hornet to my list as well

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Mild-Man-Nerd [2012-04-15 04:05:48 +0000 UTC]

ill admit to this movie being a guilty pleasure

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WarriorNun [2012-04-15 03:02:58 +0000 UTC]

I think I remember why I liked this film.

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Legokidize [2012-04-15 01:57:53 +0000 UTC]

Like zook scob.. it's Erod Ghost !

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Phoenixangelgal [2012-04-15 01:34:11 +0000 UTC]

I actually kinda liked the movie. It was silly, sure, but Scooby had been a very silly show around the time (it only got dark around Zombie Island, Witches Ghost, Alien Invaders . . . and then remained silly until now with Mystery Incorporated, which is a pretty good show).

However, I think the whole Scrappy being a joke did get a bit annoying. I do think the "Take Scrappy" joke has been played to DEATH.

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EJoyArts In reply to Phoenixangelgal [2012-04-15 01:52:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I guess the Scrappy twist was something like "We, the producers, know you all hated that little sh*t, so we're punishing Scrappy here "... but the thing is that only Scrappy's presence for a few seconds is enough to make all people angry...

Has it's good moments, specially with Sarah Michelle Gellar turning the movie awesome xD.

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Phoenixangelgal In reply to EJoyArts [2012-04-15 02:28:04 +0000 UTC]

Apparently the casted Sarah for this role in order for Daphnie to have a personality.

In the show she's kinda . . . bland.

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