ELGURITCH — SA | Sagacity (CP 1.9)

Published: 2018-11-22 00:35:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 490; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 0
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Description 1.9 Who or what was your first love?

"I ain't ever had a first love... Sounds ridiculous considering my age, but my youth was spent participating in a war that claimed many of my kin's lives, including my own father's. Now I'm old, and there ain't anyone who would like a grizzled old face like mine, so I've stopped lookin' for a true first love. The only thing I could even think of considering to be my first love would be blacksmithin'. It keeps me going from day-to-day, being able to smell the ash and coal, feel the heat of the forge, the bang of iron, that's the only love I think I have ever had at this point. There just ain't any hope for someone of my age ta' find actual love."

 more of that painterly style 

4 AP (Headshot + Shading + CP) for SA | Flamen | Tiresias (They/Them)
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