wbyrd [2014-01-29 20:45:03 +0000 UTC]
These bloody horrors had me jumping out of my seat...when it came up out of the pool me and my girlfriend jumped
which I suppose is the greatest compliment a fan can give a movie bogey man
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EmtheMad In reply to wbyrd [2014-01-30 01:50:13 +0000 UTC]
haha yeah! You got it man. I thought there were so cool, and a refreshing take. I mean the movie wasn't the greatest/most memorable..but I definitely think they had some great idea's and a good design team behind this stuff. And yeah, that pool scene is awesome.
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wbyrd In reply to EmtheMad [2014-01-30 09:20:06 +0000 UTC]
If it weren't for the desing team and the effects group..I'm afraid tha movie would have been totally forgettable...The writing wasnt half bad, and they had a decent cast, but the creature effects and the mood and feel of the movie saved it...
I had a few truly memorable scenes made memorable by some clever environmental work..smoke, bodies laying in the streets, the way you never got a good look at the aliens for a rather extended length of time. and the fact they intelligently used the aliens..... they didn't pop out and go BOO! the kept under cover, moved like they had some real intelligence and unlike many aliens who only seemed to hit a target when the writer decided it was time for some gore....they were lethal little metal sea monkeys...
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