BASIC RULES of FAFA_Bases1. FaFa Standard License: FaFa Base is for individual non-commercial use, including personal commercial and personal use, with personal commercial use limited to personal profit from receiving commissions. Under no circumstances should any other profit-making activities be generated.2. When receiving commissions, please credit the base to @FaFa-Lab and please tell the one who commission you that the finished commission works cannot be used for commercial.3. Regarding printing, within the non-profit scope, printing of up to 15 copies (≤15) is allowed, and within this range, non-commercial gratuitous distribution is permitted.4. No authorization is provided for the production of non-profit/profit-making goods.5.Bases can be combined and modified. 6. Before the FaFa Base is put on the shelves, copyright registration and timeline retention have been carried out. Do not resell, re-release, privately distribute, or plagiarize base files. 7. Use your own example reference images for commissions. 8.For VTuber/streamer commissions used for *commercial activities, please inform the base author in advance and supplement the base author with the commercial use portion of the price (supplementary price is base price * 1.5). Printing of such submissions is subject to clause 3. (*Commercial activities: Used for live broadcast materials/promotional materials, such as hanging screen background display in live broadcasts and use as materials in promotional materials, etc.)9.For VTuber/streamer commissions used for *non-commercial activities, there is no need to inform the base author. Such commissions are treated as regular submissions. (*Common non-commercial activities: display on personal social media submissions, display within fan groups, etc.)10.Regarding the determination of commercial activities in clauses 8-9, if unsure about whether an activity qualifies as commercial, provide specific usage scenarios to the base author for judgment.
·Design&Drawing: Jiajianjia
·background*1 character base*1
·Can output animation(.GIF) or non-animation format files, the PSD file has been framed,
and the layers are also named in the order of the number of frames
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