Fahu — Twilight can fly too

Published: 2011-12-25 22:19:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1005; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 46
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Description ...using her telekinetic spell!
She has the STRENGTH to lift an Ursa Minor and
she has the PRECISION to target hundreds of apples at once and not a single leaf.
Eeyup. Not only she can fly, she would outmanoeuvre Rainbow Dash.

I was inspired by television series Heroes, where Sylar used telekinesis to levitate himself.
Also, Twilight has got to have the most complicated cutie mark of all.

Edit: I thought about this more and here's what I have:
Strength and speed are connected to each other. Let's say that an average pony has a mass M. Then, supposing that Ursa Minor is 5 times bigger in every dimension (length, width, height), its volume is 5*5*5=125 or 100 times bigger than a pony's. Supposing that average density of Ursa Minor is aproximately equal to average density of a pony, Ursa Minor has a mass of 100M (where M is a mass of a pony). Since Twilight is able to keep Ursa Minor in the air she has to be able to exert a force of (to cancel gravitational acceleration) F=100M*g=1000M. Using the same force on a pony, we get an acceleration of a=F/M=1000m*s^-2. That's 100G. That acceleration would kill anybody (but only if it was a surface force, which it probably isn't because I think it's reasonable to think about telekinesis as a body force, meaning it acts throughout the volume of a body, in that case acceleration wouldn't even be noticeable). So, I guess that Twilight would be able to fly pretty fast after all.

In Slovak:

(Twilight vie tiež lietať) ...použitím jej telekinetického kúzla!
Má SILU na to, aby zdvihla Malú Medvedicu a
má PRESNOSŤ potrebnú na zameranie stoviek jabĺk naraz a vyhnúť sa pritom listom.
Áno. Nielenže vie lietať, premanévrovala by Rainbow Dash.

Bol som inšpirovaný seriálom Hrdinovia, kde Sylar použil telekinézu na levitáciu seba.
Ďalšia vec, Twilight má určite najzložitejšie znamienko zo všetkých.

Úprava: Rozmýšľal som nad týmto trochu viac a prišiel som na toto: Sila a rýchlosť spolu súvisia. Povedzme, že priemerný poník má hmotnosť M. Potom, predpokladajúc že Malá Medvedica je väčšia v každom rozmere 5-krát (dĺžka, šírka, výška), jej objem je 5*5*5=125 alebo 100-krát väčší ako poníka. Predpokladajúc že priemerná hustota Malej Medvedice je približne rovnaká ako priemerná hustota poníka, Malá Medvedica má hmotnosť 100M (kde M je hmotnosť poníka). Kedže Twilight je schopná udržať Malú Medvedicu vo vzduchu, musí byť schopná pôsobiť silou (aby vyrovnala gravitačné zrýchlenie) F=100M*g=1000M. Použitím rovnakej sily na poníka dostaneme zrýchlenie a=F/M=1000m*s^-2. To je 100G. Také zrýchlenie by zabilo každého (ale iba ak by to bola povrchová sila, čo asi nie je, lebo myslím, že je logickejšie, že by telekinéza bola objemová sila, čo znamená, že pôsobí v celom objeme telesa, v tom prípade by zrýchlenie nebolo ani len cítiť). Takže, vyzerá to, že Twilight by bola predsa len schopná lietať poriadne rýchlo.
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Comments: 9

senshi05 [2012-08-23 15:58:55 +0000 UTC]

True. I guess she's need excellent concentration in order to self-levitate. One distraction and she's going down. Pumpkin did it because he had a random burst of magic and because he likely weighed far less as a baby. I'm pretty chubby so I doubt I could do it even as a unicorn.

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McGack [2011-12-29 23:11:13 +0000 UTC]

she needs to concentrate though how is she going to maintain the spell while also not flying into things?

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Fahu In reply to McGack [2011-12-30 11:22:06 +0000 UTC]

Yes, she has to concentrate, but I don't think it would be a problem. If she can move other objects with precision - like guiding apples into baskets and books onto shelves, or flying Ursa Minor into his cave - I think she can also move herself without problems.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

senshi05 In reply to Fahu [2012-08-23 16:00:22 +0000 UTC]

True but that Ursa Minor did take time. I guess unicorns don't do because of the risk of falling. I'd certainly be nervous.

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McGack In reply to Fahu [2011-12-30 15:20:36 +0000 UTC]

ehh i dunno I just dont think unicorns are built for speed

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Fahu In reply to McGack [2011-12-30 15:22:59 +0000 UTC]

yeah, I understand

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yemto [2011-12-29 18:48:51 +0000 UTC]

Good points... I have also been thinking of that But she has Strength and Precision, but how about speed?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fahu In reply to yemto [2011-12-29 19:38:15 +0000 UTC]

Speed... I thought about it too. Who knows, it's possible that she can move objects very fast, it just wasn't shown. We know that she doesn't like to show off.

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Gabenol [2011-12-27 17:28:38 +0000 UTC]

Troll physics

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