Wooshies are highly diverse creatures, having a ton of varieties of mutations and size that can occur that not all of them are yet known. Ranging from the size of a caterpillar to the length of a short bus, they typically reside in trees, and bath in the sunlight. Some are omnivores, others herbivores, many preferring to wreak things from small gardens to whole anchors of crops, eat human trash, along with clothing and anything brightly colored, such as hot pink and electronic blue things. They adore nesting in old and wet places, or in the highest of trees. Some even prefer to nest underground. Some people can keep Wooshies as house pets, as long as they make sure to always feed them so that they do not eat the furniture. Wooshies are commonly no more then 3 colors unless of an exotic breed, one of them baring the extremely poofy tail, which has no other use then it's nice and cozy to snuggle in, and they can tear out their own fluff for their young to sleep in. 'Puffs', as the nickname for Wooshies with this exotic trait, tend to even store food, smaller Wooshies, Whoosie kits, and small things in there that they'll probably never see again. This also makes the tail very difficult to clean out.
Wooshies belong to weweameme .