A good chunk of a while back, I came across a comment while looking at some Bionicle G3 stuff out of curiosity. And upon seeing what ideas he had in mind for what a revision of the original Toa team would look like, I decided to make this offer to him about me wanting to do my own take on his ideas to see how they come out.
To cut to the chase on it, however. I went with the whole thing regardless of the conditions. Ran into some problems down the line, and even kept in touch with the original commenter in doing so. But in the end, it was all worth it! Everything is not exactly up to the standards of the original idea - as I've had to make compromises for some parts. But the guy was pleased with what I did.
So, not only am I putting these reworks of the Toa up to the public view. I'm also doing it to honor the guy, because he gave me inspiration for what I could do with my Toa Revamps, if they needed a near complete retooling, and I'd be more than happy to do more with these than I did with them originally.
Cheers, MaxPowers94