— Sandcat at parken zoo
2013-07-18 16:28:51 +0000 UTC
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S a n d c a t
African Sandcat
Parken Zoo, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Every time I've been to this Zoo, which is the only zoo in Sweden containing sandcats, they've been inside. I have actually never seen them out before, exept one time when one of them popped his head out. But this time, two of them where sleeping in the shade right next to me. I got some really good pictures! this one just woke up
About the Sandcat
The sand cat is a small cat that is well adapted to the extreme conditions in desert areas. The thick fur protects it against both cold and hot temperatures. The underside of the sand cat's paws are also covered with fur which facilitates their movement across the sand. Generally, the sand cat mainly active at night and spend the day in burrows, under bushes or in crevices. The sand cat is known to dig very good, which is unusual among felines. In the desert there is a shortage of water. The sand cat ingests the liquid it needs by their prey, and therefore need not drink any extra water. Sand Cat inhospitable habitat and nocturnal habits make it very difficult to detect and it is known to this day very little about how they live in nature. The biggest threat to sand cat is that it hunted for their fur. Additionally disappears sand cats' habitat when man felling the resulting effect of barren desert is spreading and sand cat's prey are declining in number. Parken Zoo participates in the European breeding project for the conservation of the sand cat.
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