When there were no more demons to fear, the humans began their pilgrimage from the Centradia to form their own empires, escaping from the dominion of their once beloved home.
The leaders of these new kingdoms continued to be supported by their Holy Lilies, who assisted the next generation of heroes destined to usher in a new era of prosperity for their respective factions.
One of these new world leaders carried the potential to match the new emperor.
His name was Haradrim Halzaran, founder of the Nufrontia Empire.
He was aided by none other than Violet Stormborne, the Nightshade Lily who invented the Dark Arts.
To accomplish such a feat, she signed a pact with Necronraiar, Guardian of the Void, a monster from the Alter Dimension forbidden from setting foot in Spherealm.
In exchange for its entrance into her world, she was given access to the interdimensional dark science she longed to possess.
Through her newfound power, Violet formed the Steel Soldiers of Nufrontia, the SSN unit, for Haradrim’s kingdom.
Additionally, she managed to persuade each Lily sister who was defeated in the various battles between the new kingdoms to join her cause.
With their combined might, Nufrontia became the most powerful kingdom in Western Spherealm, strong enough to stand against what remained of Centradia.
Project "Moonlight Altató" A Visual Novel / Dungeon crawler RPG
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