edit 2: I have a headcanon that will espail what Cozyglow specifically. I really want to expand upon it cuz to me it is really interesting. It goes into what being imprisoned in tartarus and then stone did to Cozyglows' body, and how it would affect her permentalty. What it did to her had a major affect on her mentally.
Flurry heart was the one who helped Diamond tiara and Cozy have a family. With their unfortunate circumstances they needed help. They were finally going to have a family of their own. When flurry heard of the heartbreaking situation she couldn’t help but chip in. She was going to help make a family.
Diamond Tiara is a business pony. She began to take work after her father, doing the heavy lifting and maintaining the family reputation. Diamond Tiara never really felt the pressure to do well. She really just had the feeling she would do just fine, and she proved out to be right. With diamond Tiara in charge, business was going extremely well.
Genteel was given the name of SuperNova’s twin sister. SuperNova and Genteel were practically glued at the hip. They were each other's best friends and got into all kinds of trouble. Genteel wasn’t really like her family. She felt like she was just there. His sister was always doing impressive stuff with her magic while she was just making...dresses.
It was a welcome addition when Cozy and Dimond were going to be parents. As like a tradition AppleBloom had made a crib for the baby. A crusader original. All three of the cmc pitch in to make it. Even though scootaloo couldn't make it to deliver the crib, her gratitude and praise was. Of course Diamond tiara and Cozy glow were honored by this. Being welcomed to an apple family tradition is no small feat.