godsavant — psp adventures: Z.H.P.

Published: 2011-05-26 07:41:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 2229; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 21
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Description Known to the chagrin of retailers nationwide as "Zettai Hero Project: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman".

Here we have yet another gem covered in excrement from our friends at N.I.S, this one a take on the classic "roguelike" genre; the player enters a dungeon filled with monsters and loot, and if they die, they lose all their items/money and go back to Level 1. However, Z.H.P. does cut you a break by adding your accrued experience to your "base level", so that you get a bit stronger each time you revert. This was a clever twist on the normally frustrating conventions of roguelikes, meaning you still make progress even after losing all that hard work.

Yet while I do enjoy the character designs and better writing over Disgaea, there are some niggling things that hold it back. Unlike traditional roguelikes, Z.H.P does have separate levels, each of which consist of only four or five floors, sometimes with bosses, whereupon you're transported back to base to save/heal up, and lose all your levels. This completely defeats the purpose of a roguelike, where the point is to try and push as far into the dungeon as possible before you die; a better idea would have been something like Persona's Tartarus, where escape is nary an option and enemies almost always still pose a threat. Heck, even Disgaea's own Item World is more akin to a roguelike than Z.H.P, which devolves back into standard N.I.S. level-grinding/worldrunning of under/overpowered dungeons, instead of the ceaseless challenge and near-death tension of a real roguelike.

In other news, I found out recently that Power Rangers was made up mostly of recut footage from an unrelated Japanese sentai show. How both brilliant and disheartening.

Drawn in a little over one hour, a time limit posed by over MSN. Special thanks for keeping time and providing references on that shiny effect that always happens whenever they pose. I really should try this more often; it's much more harrowing, knowing there's a certain time you'll have to stop, and it makes you think on a broader scale, instead of obsessing over smaller details that you could just change later on. Go check out his newest comic, drawn concurrently with this piece as a race of sorts: [link]

Man, these descriptions just get longer with every PSP adventure...do you guys even read these things? Add the word "frog" to your comment somewhere if you read these things.

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Comments: 50

V1EWT1FUL [2013-10-21 18:18:34 +0000 UTC]

awesome, this guy is my kind of hero

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314tan [2011-11-09 10:17:39 +0000 UTC]

ohman this game is the best game but I'm stuck on this ONE LEVEL arahasdjkh stupid mirrors and lasers

i like colour choices and muted feel to it with the stark red, white, and frog green of OUR HERO.

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godsavant In reply to 314tan [2011-11-09 21:54:59 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, sorry, can't help you with that one. My PSP's been sitting in my drawer for half a year now.

And thanks, for me it's 100% on the color slider or GTFO.

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ayoubjezine [2011-07-22 05:53:05 +0000 UTC]

nice fan art dood,see mine too

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Kbsama [2011-06-26 01:44:59 +0000 UTC]

Yay. Fan art.

My major Gripe with this game is the Music is farr to loud at times.

Other then that, Now that I beat it I would say it's one of NIS's best PSP games -that doesn't star exploding penguins-

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godsavant In reply to Kbsama [2011-06-26 01:59:53 +0000 UTC]

I usually turn the music off when I play, since it really drones after the third loop, not to mention NIS soundtracks have always been fairly mediocre.

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Kbsama In reply to godsavant [2011-06-26 07:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Only songs I need to hear are the Hero themes and the final-final boss song <3

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MessatanienCarder [2011-05-31 05:26:44 +0000 UTC]

ZHP is pretty epic. Your picture is also pretty epic. Best/worst super frog hero ever

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godsavant In reply to MessatanienCarder [2011-05-31 06:35:04 +0000 UTC]

Can't argue with that, I suppose.

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MIRACLEfool [2011-05-27 17:03:15 +0000 UTC]

Fan art for yhis game is pretty
Rare. I understand your reasoning on it not being a true roguelike, unfortunately that means I never played one to actually tell the difference.
Oh well. Maybe someday.
Good fan art by the way.

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godsavant In reply to MIRACLEfool [2011-05-27 18:58:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. That's the thing, though; Z.H.P's leveling mechanic takes smart steps to make the rogue elements more accessible and less trial-by-fire than your average Nethack. I don't recommend you play a traditional roguelike with a completionist mindset.

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MIRACLEfool In reply to godsavant [2011-05-27 20:29:45 +0000 UTC]

thats perfect i don't think with a completionist mind set in games most of the time

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RadioactiveZombeh [2011-05-26 23:25:50 +0000 UTC]

I liked this game for the first bit of playing it; it was neat, had fun gameplay, etc.

However, I got burned out on it. I slowed down my playing, and eventually, too many things were going on at once in the system; I feel that's a big problem with the game. There are just SO MANY THINGS you have to do to optimize your character, and I was just a bit nerved out from all the options and obligations.

Frog, by the way.

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godsavant In reply to RadioactiveZombeh [2011-05-27 00:03:12 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I loved the 'base level' mechanic, but the 'boosters' and such plugins just muddled up the game too much. How about you let me just allocate skill points or perks, eh? Eh?

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RadioactiveZombeh In reply to godsavant [2011-05-27 00:13:35 +0000 UTC]

Exactly! And while the grid was cool, it was just... too much!

Also, I really did love the sentai references, and crazy enemies, and fantastic characters... man.

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Opa2 [2011-05-26 21:45:08 +0000 UTC]

Go! Go! Sentai hero~
That one feels nostalgic xD
Nice one!

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godsavant In reply to Opa2 [2011-05-26 21:59:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! :iconrakugaki-toko: probably appreciates the game's sentai references more than I do, but Power Rangers shall always hold a place in my heart.

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ShadowAssassin73 [2011-05-26 18:29:30 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, my heart broke a little at that Power Rangers news.
This whole piece reminds me of my pet frog, Barry. Upon uttering the phrase "HENSHIN!", he became Ranger Zetta!

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godsavant In reply to ShadowAssassin73 [2011-05-26 22:01:52 +0000 UTC]

Thing is that Power Rangers got so huge, they eventually started making their own monsters and fight footage, and also why the old Megazords got destroyed and replaced(b/c they'd ran out of footage of them from the old show). Kids notice things like this.

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RadioactiveZombeh In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 23:24:34 +0000 UTC]

Actually, they haven't done that in a long time; they only added monsters / fights in the first series (they made their own episodes by shipping the old costumes and stuff over). They haven't really done that in a long time.

Also, I thought it was common knowledge that Power Rangers was adapted, so I find your discovery very interesting!

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godsavant In reply to RadioactiveZombeh [2011-05-27 00:01:54 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that's what I meant. I stopped watching after the first series ended, so I don't what happened after that.

And yeah, I don't tend to revisit things from my childhood. Ruins the nostalgia, y'know?

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RadioactiveZombeh In reply to godsavant [2011-05-27 00:14:11 +0000 UTC]

Haha, true!

I watched RPM, since I'd heard great things; and hoo boy, did it live up to it! I watch a bit of Kamen Rider, too; I keep forgetting to keep up with the newest one, though.

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Nami-Tsuki [2011-05-26 18:24:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, that Pirohiko <333

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godsavant In reply to Nami-Tsuki [2011-05-26 22:08:54 +0000 UTC]

Does Pirohiko actually have a large fan following? He seems to be the only semi-charismatic character in the game.

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Nami-Tsuki In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 23:57:57 +0000 UTC]

I don't think the game has much of a fan following :C But he's definitely my favorite.

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Excetera-ZEN [2011-05-26 15:57:23 +0000 UTC]

*raises his hand in reading the artist's comment* The special twinkle after a pose is a final touch. Now I must look up what this game is. *searches*

Also, frog.

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godsavant In reply to Excetera-ZEN [2011-05-26 22:23:38 +0000 UTC]

Honestly Z.H.P. is probably not N.I.S's best work, though certainly their most stylish.

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Excetera-ZEN In reply to godsavant [2011-05-27 18:47:29 +0000 UTC]

Points for style!

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ElisitaGayle [2011-05-26 15:04:21 +0000 UTC]


I'm generally fond of the colors you chose, but i think that light "cool" pink clashes with the rest of the colors which are very warm.

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godsavant In reply to ElisitaGayle [2011-05-26 22:26:24 +0000 UTC]


I was more considering how to make the Ranger 'pop' from the faces behind him, didn't really give that much thought to the actual color. In hindsight you're right, as I'm not the one who took Color Theory or whatever. What would I do without you...

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ElisitaGayle In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 23:02:19 +0000 UTC]

Cry in a corner, that's what you would do.

Oh, Rach wants me to remind you that she is not uploading any new pictures until you comment on EVERY SINGLE PICTURE.

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godsavant In reply to ElisitaGayle [2011-05-26 23:06:04 +0000 UTC]

Fuck, alright I'm on it.

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ElisitaGayle In reply to godsavant [2011-05-27 04:03:48 +0000 UTC]


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FShounen [2011-05-26 13:14:02 +0000 UTC]

This picture is so green in some places it reminds me of frogs... And it also makes me want to play that game. Now I need a PSP

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godsavant In reply to FShounen [2011-05-26 22:29:10 +0000 UTC]

Yep, the wonders of Replace Color...

And do go pick up a PSP! The price drop recently made me kick myself for getting one early (even if it was used, so it cost the same) but it should be a boon or you. Just be warned you might have to shop around your local GameStops to find some of the better PSP titles.

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hanahello [2011-05-26 12:49:47 +0000 UTC]


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godsavant In reply to hanahello [2011-05-26 22:29:19 +0000 UTC]


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iamnotapixelartist [2011-05-26 11:38:11 +0000 UTC]

YES! We never have enough ZHP-fan-arts. I loved the game, even if it did not have many frogs <3

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godsavant In reply to iamnotapixelartist [2011-05-26 11:45:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh, in my opinion, we have far from enough, seeing as to how there's barely a page of relevant art in the dA search. Fight the good fight

And thanks for actually reading & commenting.

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paipuburaketto [2011-05-26 09:06:11 +0000 UTC]

I love this frogging game, honestly. I really need to get back to it and finish it.

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godsavant In reply to paipuburaketto [2011-05-26 09:13:11 +0000 UTC]



And yeah, it's a good game. It just could have been so much better...

Thanks for commenting, btw.

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paipuburaketto In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 10:16:54 +0000 UTC]

I really agree, but I can't put my finger specifically on how it could have improved. It really is the depth of the roguelike and how far you can progress that creates the replayability, but something about ZHP just didn't drag me back in the same way things like Nethack do.

also noporblem

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godsavant In reply to paipuburaketto [2011-05-26 10:36:59 +0000 UTC]

I think it's the lack of continuity and availability of an easy out that robs Z.H.P. of any real tension. Monsters too tough for you? Just sprint to the exit, because the game won't fuck you over for being underleveled or poorly equipped, and the most you'll lose is a few hundred gold and some vendor trash. IMO what it needed was one continuous, multi-layered dungeon that you'd have to start all over if you died, albeit with your higher base level and a chance to save.

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Rakugaki-otoko [2011-05-26 08:12:05 +0000 UTC]

wait... you didn't know about power rangers??
How are we still friends?

Anyway, another thing I didn't about ZHP was that the only downside to dieing was that you'd lose any items you had on you. dieing would bring you back to the hub at level one, which was also another stupid gimmick. Also didn't like how when you die or beat a dungeon, you'd be brought back to level one, but with your stats still raised. It didn't feel very satisfying to always be at level one at the start of a dungeon to me.

I like the quirky pink background in this one. I don't understand it, but I like how it makes the Unlosing Ranger pop out. Nice job on the lens flare as well.
I will also take this chance to state that I like your signature, as it looks neat and professional.

I... can't think of anything else to say about this picture.

(oh, we're still friends, by the way)

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godsavant In reply to Rakugaki-otoko [2011-05-26 08:59:47 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I read about the whole sentai localization thing a while back, but it wasn't until recently that I went back and watched a few old episodes. Funny how a mere shot of them doing aerial flips explained how they got to cloudy Tokyo streets from the front of their school...-_-;

And indeed, that was the actually the biggest sticking point for me; there was minimal risk involved in the dungeon-crawling, since the same thing happened whether you died or reached the exit, and you wouldn't accrue more than a few hundred gold and some duplicate junk in a single run.

Thank you, sensei. I think I first noticed the 'pop' when I colored Evilman at the top there (who looks almost NOTHING like the actual in-game character, btw), while Etranger just looked like a monstrous face bulging next to the Ranger. Oh, the wonders of Replace Color...

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Rakugaki-otoko In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 09:11:06 +0000 UTC]

huhuhu, don't forget Rita's overdubbed voice. who by coincidence, was the same voice actor who played Laharl (also, Naota)

The biggest sticking point for me was that the Darkdeath fights never went past PSX graphics. I know it was expecting too much of NIS, but I really did expect the final Darkdeath fight to be... you know, different than the previous ones. A boss battle in glorious full 3d~
They could have done it! It's a psp! So much squandered potential!

As for the picture, you're learning well, kid.
I didn't even notice that he doesn't look like the in-game version. Way to narc on yourself.

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godsavant In reply to Rakugaki-otoko [2011-05-26 09:18:48 +0000 UTC]

Whawhawhawhaaaaat?! They're all the same voice?! My mind is blown...again. Man, she must be OLD by now.

Oh, no I'm barely past the SNES stage of the Darkdeath fights. That guy's so cheap...has NIS handled 3D graphics before?

And well, after watching retsu hate on people for the past few days I figure it's better to narc myself than to have someone else do it.

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Rakugaki-otoko In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 09:25:45 +0000 UTC]

Yep yep! Same woman does all those voices!

Yeah, first it's 8bit, then "snes", then it just has the normal ZHP graphics =_=;
Really dissapointing. I don't remember them doing 3d graphics before, I mean, not characters at least. I think I've seen them make 3d robot bosses and maybe frogs and stuff, but maybe they can't handle human figures.

man, I'm still watching retsu, and you know what's weird? I keep imagining Ed, Edd, and Eddy doing the voices. Did you ever notice the kinda raspy-voiced guy sounds a lot like Eddy?
Actually, I don't remember you ever telling me that you watched Cartoon Network cartoons. if not, please disregard.

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godsavant In reply to Rakugaki-otoko [2011-05-26 09:42:33 +0000 UTC]

I did admire how Power Rangers took the effort to make plot justifications for casting changes and the like, such as the "youth ritual" Rita underwent a few episodes in to change into a completely different actress.

Indeed, I noticed a lot of their environments are 3D and immobile. Still, I don't think it'd be hard to have done 3D graphics, considering it's just two characters and less than a dozen different attacks.

Personally retsu reminds me of Dave and Joel from the podcast Fast Karate for the Gentlemen. Ed, Edd n' Eddy had such over-the top voices I couldn't imagine them sounding like anybody.

And yeah, I watched a few episodes of CN originals back in the day, but it was usually in annoyance waiting for anime or Teen Titans to come on.

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Rakugaki-otoko In reply to godsavant [2011-05-26 10:00:54 +0000 UTC]

well, a couple of bosses in this game were 3d, actually. and also somewhat articulate. So it's still really disappointing.

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