Goldenboy07 — To All the Girls...

Published: 2005-07-18 04:16:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 214; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 27
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Description This is another attempt to use Photoshop to take Poser renders even further. I listed it in the realtime category because all of the girls in the piece are real people. I wanted to really push the limits by trying to make them look like actual people. I know that there aren't any real photographs for you guys to reference from but I was pretty pleased with the results. It's just a little tribute to the women who have really stood out in my life as extra special...the dyme pieces. The girl in the middle, Dominique, has the wings because she passed away a while back. That's it. Peace.
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Comments: 2

RockmanEx [2005-07-19 10:55:24 +0000 UTC]

You know, with your drawing style, you should push the images further and maybe not use Poser for your 3d but something else..If you can sculpt clay you'd be able to recreate your characters in 3d...just a thought.

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Goldenboy07 In reply to RockmanEx [2005-07-19 21:57:48 +0000 UTC]

I'm peresently learning Maya...I'm comfortable with inorganic modeling but my skills for organic modeling only extend about as far as cartoony characters.

I've sculpted a couple of models for my characters for school projects and would like to do it regularly but not sure if my hands are steady enough (hereditary rhumetoid arthritis).

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