GylmarGeniusCat — Brazil TV Tournament #16 - Result

#helithealbinofox #rileyprowerthewolfox
Published: 2023-05-17 20:26:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1539; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description 33 votes!
52% - Heli The Albino Fox by
48% - Riley Prower The Wolfox by

William Bonner: Well, it was an even match! The two proved to be very enlightened about the misinformation conveyed on the internet! But in the end, Heli got ahead of Riley in pointing out the lie about Alexander Fleming saving Winston Churchill's life with penicillin.

Heli: UHU! I passed the stage! I just can't get too carried away, or I'll inflate!

Riley: It was your chance, Heli! A fair enough victory!

William Bonner: Heli, you've won 3 tickets to take you and your friends on a tour of the Jornal Nacional studios, with me as your guide. And you can even pick the color of my tie in tomorrow's newscast.

Heli: Well, that sounds like fun.

William Bonner: And you, Riley, get 1 GloboPlay subscription valid for 1 year.

Riley: Great! Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to do my own tour with Heli.

Heli: What?

Riley puts Heli on her back and the two travel through Rio de Janeiro.

Heli: So awesome!

Riley: It's my prize for you!

Heli: We both deserve it! Fake news don't fool us!


Jair Bolsonaro: Dang it.

Lula: Dang it.

Donald Trump: Dang it.
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DistantDylan2391 [2023-05-18 18:20:14 +0000 UTC]

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LuckyLadyXandra [2023-05-18 12:03:53 +0000 UTC]

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Chipster-roo [2023-05-18 00:28:16 +0000 UTC]

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