Does this picture make up for me not being on in a really long time? No? oh well, it was worth a shot. But I haven’t been on in a long time because somethings screwy with my internet right now, or maybe it’s the computer? I don’t know and that’s why I’m posting this, responding to comments then getting offline. Heck, I wrote this in word just to spare a few more seconds.
Now, this thing. I had no idea a sketch I did while I was bored would turn into this three day project, and I feel drained. And I have homework to do. Bargh. Well I’m proud of this and if people don’t like it I will be very sad, I also learned from this that I don’t want to draw something this complicated ever again!
Also if anyone is wondering about that fanfic I talked about forever ago I am making it and it’s coming along well, the problem is that I’m the queen of procrastination and I want to edit it as much as I can and have my friend review it so the wait will probably be long.