Circa 2001, details from the website: "Deciding that, when it comes to fan-appeal, her only real Darkstalker rival is Felicia, Morrigan puts the bubbly, gregarious cat-girl firmly in the litter-tray. "Well," she says, teasingly, "it is Just Another Cat-Fight, after all..."
Carrying on with my inking of the lines to get a more defined, precise outline, this is my third colour Morrigan. I'm not completely happy with the colouring, but it's my first completed sketch in about a year, and my first Morrigan since June '99!"
The reason I wasn't happy with the colouring was that it was crap... I didn't have any pencils that were anything like skin-tone at that point. This has been adjusted in Photoshop to compensate somewhat...