hotchip — corset drawing print

Published: 2007-06-26 13:36:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 5148; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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^^ pre-etched version

thick plastic stuff
engraved with a sharp impliment
smeared with printing ink
partially wiped
sent through printing press jig

i tried to make it blotchy
it worked..maybe a little too well...
still like it tho
..pity it's in reverse..
..pity i'm too lazy to open photoshop..

i imagine FULL VIEW is betterer
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Comments: 17

Aochi [2007-09-15 14:32:58 +0000 UTC]

This is lovely.
And drypoint (or intaglio) is just a name for this specific kind of etching (ie. no acid used, but it is still a type of etching)

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hotchip In reply to Aochi [2007-09-15 14:39:02 +0000 UTC]

hehe thank you
yeh, i'm just small and confused..

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Aochi In reply to hotchip [2007-09-15 16:10:19 +0000 UTC]

I think you got it right

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printmakers [2007-09-15 14:14:52 +0000 UTC]

Hiya! This is a drypoint, there is a category for that.

Traditional Printing (down near the bottom) > Dry Point

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printmakers In reply to printmakers [2007-09-15 14:18:01 +0000 UTC]

Actually on second thoughts it's probably closer to a monoprint. Traditional Printing > Monotype

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printmakers In reply to printmakers [2007-09-15 14:21:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh and as it is not an etching you might want to change the title! Etching is biting metal plates with acid.

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hotchip In reply to printmakers [2007-09-15 14:27:45 +0000 UTC]

meh... it's the "health and safety laws being implimented in schools" version of etching...

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hotchip In reply to printmakers [2007-09-15 14:19:16 +0000 UTC]

what's a monotype? i just thought it was an etching lol

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printmakers In reply to hotchip [2007-09-15 14:26:55 +0000 UTC]

Sorry I posted so many things in a row! heh, it's uploaded to our club now.

A dry point is what you did, where you scratch into a a sheet of plastic or metal or anything really, ink it up, then take away the ink from the surface but leave it in the cracks. It is a type of intaglio print.

A monotype is when you take a sheet of plastic or metal or whatever and cover it with ink, drawing or painting the ink on, or rolling it on and then removing some with a cloth or scratchy tool. They're called monotypes because you never get two the same.

A monoprint is a combination of the two, where you scratch a drawing into your plate, and then cover it with ink and make designs or something in that ink, so that the ink is going to be different every time you print it, but the drawing itself will always be the same.

Hope that made sense!

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hotchip In reply to printmakers [2007-09-15 14:28:55 +0000 UTC]

oui, thank you x

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hotchip In reply to printmakers [2007-09-15 14:17:41 +0000 UTC]

oh, splendid

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Crackers9458 [2007-06-27 07:47:59 +0000 UTC]

I remember doing these sorts of things in year 8 art, still got mine somewhere. Agreed they were fun. I think I spent about 3 weeks just doing the cutting of mine! :-P

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hotchip In reply to Crackers9458 [2007-06-27 09:10:52 +0000 UTC]

my teacher has given me an A4 piece of plastic to etch
i intend on obsessing over it for a suitable time period
she's given me lino to chop too
we could have a lino club

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Crackers9458 In reply to hotchip [2007-06-27 09:22:23 +0000 UTC]

yay, lino club!
OK now that we're members, what exactly do we do?

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hotchip In reply to Crackers9458 [2007-06-27 09:24:12 +0000 UTC]

...cut lino i suppose...

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Crackers9458 In reply to hotchip [2007-06-27 09:26:51 +0000 UTC]

fair enough

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hotchip In reply to Crackers9458 [2007-06-27 09:28:47 +0000 UTC]

i mean...eat.
it's only logical

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