Most beings brought into this life have a decent beginning, this is not one of those times.
Doll was created by a rogue demon hunter who fell into the pull of black magic. Made from the skins of other demons and only held together with enough energy to barely keep her alive. She lives in constant fear of death, be it by when her skin rots and begins to fall off or if she is unable to fill the void that was created to be her heart. She’s a timid demon, always fearful of nearly everything and everyone. Always living in constant fear that this day might be her last. She’s unable to make friends or get close to anyone do to the sickening practices she must do to stay alive. When her skin begins to rot she must go out and either find a dead or dying demon. She must skin them and replace her skin with their own before taking out their heart and placing it where her’s would have been.
She was made by the hunter to be nothing but a living punching bag for him. Using her to take his anger out on in any way, shape, or form he pleased. Due to being constantly torn apart and having the need to be put back together she always carries a spool of black thread and a needle on her. She was made to not put up a fight so she’s very week, her stitches often being torn out and needing to be replaced. Because of the nature of how she was made she lacks internal organs other than a skeleton. The rest of her is simply filled with cotton although, that is not why she is called Doll. She got the name Doll is it was what the hunter had simply called her, taking it as her name.