infrafan — Jixs' Gunslingers, Gods and 'Garou

Published: 2013-10-30 03:56:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 295; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Original Lines: jixs.deviantart.com/art/His-na…

The third and final installment of my "Trio of Duos" DC collaborations with Jixs.  This one features Vigilante nearing his final days teaming up with Orion to defeat the original werewolf.  I used a few textures, pulling one from an old piece I created (bonus points to whoever can find it), and the others from free online sources.

It's both satisfying and sad to reach the end, but I hope to work with Jixs again in the future.  I know I've made a good friend out of the experience.

The Other Two Installments were:

The Dead, The Dying, and The Damned: infrafan.deviantart.com/art/Ji…

Creepers, Creatures, and Chimps: infrafan.deviantart.com/art/Ji…
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