ephe-meral [2019-05-18 04:29:15 +0000 UTC]
Username: ephe-meral
Kit you're trying out for: Python Airkit
Charming - A charmer through-and-through, ironically very similar to his half-brother Skull, Python has a way with words and a very contagious smile. He's the most charming when around those who're less outspoken and require someone like him to help them have a voice with their opinions. However, he is in general a very likeable tom, happy to help out and be whatever is needed of him. A helping hand, a friend, a shoulder to cry on. An asset that has a tendency to draw others towards him.
Generous - Like being charming too, he's always ready to help out and be what is needed. Even if it's more than just one of the many types of helpful he can be, Python's willing to give up what is his if it were to be more beneficial to another cat. During the winter moons, it's most likely Python would be willing to give up his piece of scrawny scarce prey to a softpaw or elder in need, or even kits if there are any. Anything to help another cat in need out.
Intelligent - A real thinker, Python is considered a very intelligent tom. He likes to think things through most of the time, planning out his words before voicing them. It's at that point he becomes more outspoken and there's the opportunity that he become his more extreme, stubborn and progressive self. He enjoys helping out where he can with his idea, wanting to be a helpful asset to his Clan wherever he can.
Outspoken - Python isn't shy in want he believes or thinks, and is not afraid in the slightest to voice his thoughts and opinions out loud. He refuses to do nothing, and will therefore always defend himself or those to shy to do so, making sure his or their point has been heard, understood and usually he keeps going until it's accepted, or otherwise.
Progressive - A very willing-to-accept whatever is new or comes up. He understands that times are changing, and with it so do other things. He doesn't fight or deny any of it, thinking it to be a rather pointless thing, and instead embraces it with all the warmth he can muster.
Stubborn - Though many a' good qualities reside in him, Python does have a tendency to be a little stubborn and unrelenting about certain things. Specifically in arguments, he's very stubborn in arguing his point and refuses to give up until his point's proven or otherwise.
Childish - Despite being one to stand up for all he believes and accepts, Python does have a childish side when he's not being a gallant knight in his beliefs. He enjoys playing around, joking and pulling little pranks, especially with his siblings or half-siblings if he can. He enjoys having pranks be pulled on him too and will laugh, his feelings not hurt in the very slightest, no matter the prank. Unless it were to be very personal or purposefully hurtful towards others.
Dirty - He doesn't care about his cleanliness very much, and therefore doesn't mind getting down and dirty, literally speaking. Be it sand, water, dirt, mud, or anything else, Python doesn't give a single anything. He honestly can resemble a walking mud ball sometimes with a huge goofy grin on his face. Where others could flip out, horrified of how messy he is, he just laughs and dismisses it like nothing.
Extreme - Sometimes, usually in the heat of the moment, Python can most definitely be considered very extreme and can be a lot to be around. When he's in this type of mood or manner, it's best that only those who he's most comfortable with or who can handle him be around him. It's the best way to gain potential control over him in some manner, even if very minorly.
Relationship with siblings/ parents:
Father - Bone Starpaw: Python may not approve of every choice his father's made, some may or may not go against who he is, but at the end of the day, Bone is his father and that's final. He accepts him, loves him, looks up to him. Looks up to his more positive side, that is. He knows Bone's made some poor choices, and may have lost the respect of a few in his Clan. Python hopes he can see Bone regain that respect and become a great Starpaw, leading AirClan into it's best days. I definitely see Python going to Bone for advice sometimes for certain things he may have trouble with.
Mother - Coati Softpaw: A mama's boy, Python deeply loves his mother and will do whatever he can for her. Hopefully including letting her known how loved she is, and potentially getting her to be more confident and outspoken. Less emotional, more put-together and bold. I feel like if this worked, and he truly could help her... the first time she ever tried to stand up for herself or others, Python would probably secretly shed a few tears of joy. Joy that his mother can learn to be confident of who she is, and becoming her best version of herself. If he can.
Sister - Anaconda Airkit: Python is reminded of Coati a fair bit when he sees his gentle and elegant sister, and therefore he's rather protective of her. Like he wants his mother to be her best self, Python wants this for Anaconda. He loves his family, his parents, and sisters... with this love, he'd do anything for them. Give them whatever they need, not want, but need.
Sister - Dew Airkit: Again, like the other girls in his family, Python recognizes the strength, potential and dreams Dew has. He also sees how shy she can be, and oh boy, he wants her dreams to come true. Which again leads to him being best big brother ever, protecting his sister, standing up for her, encouraging her, but also teaching her to do this to herself. To stand up for herself, become more confidant, and tell herself she can become whatever she wants to be.
Plans for them: If I were the lucky person to win this beautiful boy, I already have great great plans for him!
I really do adore this inspirational, progressive personality he has; combined with his others traits, I definitely see great potential in him! I'd say he could make a good Spiritpaw, but I think he could become even more as a future possible Crestpaw or Peakpaw. However, I want to see him spread his progressiveness, his acceptance to everything, his generosity. I really want to see he himself grow, as well as grow on others, and achieve new things. Perhaps I could see him as a type of inspirational speaker to those who need a inspirational pick-me-up or you're-accepted-no-matter-what speech. He could make a pretty good therapist to his friends, if I do say so myself. Which brings me to my next point, I really want to see him interact with as many cats as he can, makes loads of friends and be the very best version of himself.
I really do want to see him try and find new ways in life, I guess? He seems like the type of cat who'd wander off the ol' beaten trail in the hopes of finding a better future, the best future, for himself, his Clan, and maybe even the others? I doubt he'll have that great of an impact on others, but it's definitely me dreaming big with this boy.
Ideas in the future: Throughout my plans I have for Python, which I still plan on expanding as well, I do have certain ideas to help or simply happen during his life. For example,
It's mentioned that Python's a mama's boy. Coati, if I'm not too mistaken, is a rather shy, soft and, as mentioned in her personality, 'cowardly' softpaw. I'd love to interpret Python's "mama's boy" as being the best son he can be, helping her as best as he can. I'd love to see him stand up for her when she's not being listened to, and in private when they're alone, try and help her stand up for herself. I think it'd be lovely and I can't imagine how it'd make Python feel if he could offer his mother the best gift he can offer her, confidence and love.
In Python's personality, it's mentioned that he's more or less childish at times. There are two ways I'd adore to see this part of him change... 1st, he potentially grows out of it, becoming much more wiser and adult with age and experience. Abandoning those goofy ways in order to truly help the cats around him become their best selves, in turning making him the best version of himself. Or 2nd, my favourite, would be for him to keep and maybe expand this childishness. Incorporate it more into who he is, his acceptance, making him more capable of interacting with those of a young age, aka kits, or cats who are more childish than others. I feel like this could be used as a kind of light-hearted, well, light to things or some humour to again, lighten things up when the conversation, argument, or times themselves are tough and dark.
With everything going on, and all other viable cats, I don't truly see Python getting the opportunity to become Starpaw. I mean, every cat can dream, but I'd be beyond thrilled if Python could just become a Peakpaw. That way, he has more power and hopefully more influence on others. Through this, he can hopefully reach out to others or do more than as a simple Basepaw.
I really see him as a pretty busy cat if he gets as popular-ish as I dream, but if he ever had the time too somehow, I think it'd be absolutely lovely to see Python maybe find a mate who's accepting like him, and together they could have the most accepting and progressive kits together. Kits who would be accepted no matter who they are or what they. Kits who'll do the same to others as their parents did to them.
Anything else?:
Although stoic when in the heat of any moment, I believe that at heart, Python's just a really big softie who wants to see those he loves at peace with each other. He may act like the hurtful words of others thrown around to others are but words, yet deep down, they hurt him too. Directed at him or not. That a cat could spew such hateful things of another equal being, no matter the circumstances, more or less... he finds it unbelievable.
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CountHeatherHamilton [2019-05-17 17:58:59 +0000 UTC]
Kit's Name: Python
3 positive traits
Python has an easygoing nature, often laidback, preferring to see the positive in things. He enjoys life as it is, even if it makes him slightly dismissive. Although he does get riled over things, he is the voice of reason in an argument, rarely taking sides unless it concerns with his family, in which then he begins to become upset.
Similar to his easygoing nature, he is extremely laidback, despite being unusual for a kit. He doesnt like to argue or start fights, and often tries to find the peaceful way out. Python is often seen following his mother around, trying to help and look dignified, despite often getting underpaw and told to go play with his sisters.
Python is cute and he knows it, often mixing his words to get his way, and despite wanting to help his mother, often using it to get out of tasks he doesnt like, or to get someone to leave. He rarely has a bad mood, but some days, he just wants to stay in the nursery and be lazy, so he uses his cunning nature to secure that benefit. This, however, doesnt mean Python is rude, rather compassionate and caring, following his mother's paws when he listens to the concerns of his sisters or other kits.
2 neutral traits
He has a deep connection to his sisters, and to his mother, and prefers to stick around them at all times, becoming quite shy when left alone. Some days, he wanders a bit, wanting to go outside of camp but worried that he would get lost, or separated from his family, and although he tries not to appear clingy, he startles very easily and goes running to Coati every time.
Relating to his calm and lazy traits, Python doesnt see the point in frantic rushing around, often taking his slow time to go anywhere, even if its important. He likes to be slow and enjoy the scenery, but will increase his pace slightly if his mother calls.
3 negative traits
Although somewhat rare, when riled up, Python becomes snappy and even disrespectful, yelling out with his fur fluffed to defend his claim. He secretly doesnt like it when people challenge him, and although he will keep those comments to himself, enough pushing will drive him far into a bad mood.
-Easily Discouraged
Python gives up extremely easily, and is considered obedient because of such. He wont press on matters, simply doing what he is told because he fears getting in trouble. He is weak-willed, and doesnt take punishments well
Like said before, Python has a habit to be lazy, using his charm to worm his way out of situations when he'd rather sleep, and sometimes sleeping through important meetings. He has a tendency to drift off after long rants or stories.
Future Plans for them:
I plan for him to grow out of his lazy nature and become more of a subtle flirt, despite not being interested in a mate, and I plan for him to lose his caring nature and become more detached, more interested in his own self-gain as he grows older, pressured by his dad's legacy as he grows older. I imagine he would try to achieve a high rank just to show his parents he could be great too despite silently suffering and being unsatisfied with his life. He will never grow out of his love for his mother, often running to Coati for advice or complaints on how unsatisfied he is, but he will grow out of this stage as he matures as well, making a goal to strive to be a Spiritpaw.
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