Been playing around with some book three ideas in my head recently and the idea of Black Muzzle connecting with Mahogany came up. Originally I wanted to find some way to introduce her in book one but there's really not much place for her there aside from being a very minor background character, but I don't have a lot of book three characters fleshed out yet.
Black Muzzle (without going into spoilers) is a rather troubled character so I think I like the idea of him having someone from another Pack he can talk to. Mahogany was a good candidate as they're roughly the same age and she doesn't talk much, she's more of a listener but can still be a good friend. I currently have no plans for a romance between them, by the way. Especially considering the way in which Black Muzzle's character is heading later in the book.
Characters, art by me
Mahogany was designed by that-bandgeek