ItaniMajere — Marching Band Crossing

Published: 2008-06-23 00:56:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 987; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 22
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Description Ok, there's a story behind this...
For drivers' ed, we had to either redesign an existing sign to make it easier to understand, or create an entirely new sign. Being the band geek I am, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I'm actually surprised she approved it
Other sign ideas were "Warning, Bandies Blowing Sh*t Up," "Warning, Drummers ahead," and "Warning, Majorettes Leading Band."
Also wanted to try "Fangirl Zone," but there's no way that'd get approved >_>
Or put a bunch of animals on it. Then it'd be "Animal Crossing." *insert Moe laugh* With a greedy raccoon that sucks out your hard earned Bells and owns your soul.
This is just the scan of it; maybe I'll make a photoshopped version later once I finish the other sketches I'm doing...
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Comments: 3

8bk8 [2010-11-25 09:00:23 +0000 UTC]


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HardcoreBandGeek [2009-03-20 16:39:22 +0000 UTC]

I needed this last year. I almost got run over many times while attempting to push the vibes down a small hill by myself, avoiding moving vehicles at the same time, and dealing with cars parked in front of alleyway I needed to go to get to the back of the band hall. It's going to happen again this year, I fear. Anyway, great job with being so creative.

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MenacingSky [2008-06-23 01:21:31 +0000 UTC]

hehehe this makes me chuckle but I still want to see a fangirl zone. xD

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