IvySoars — Zutara - What would happen?

Published: 2011-11-03 03:00:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 5774; Favourites: 105; Downloads: 84
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Description These are screenshots I didn't draw anything but I made the background.
Hope you like my photo manipulating skills, thank my photoshop teacher Mrs. Grey shes the one who taught me these amazing graphics and other epic digital design stuff, she rules!!!!!!!

So yea the title really what would happen? If this happened?

Also you can download it so you can see it clearly, If you have any troubles seeing cause I am
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Comments: 50

zutara4eva456 [2012-10-26 22:55:39 +0000 UTC]

awesome i sooo luv this!

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Narfanator14-2 [2012-04-27 02:08:56 +0000 UTC]

awwwwwww I luvz this^^

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crosslove822 [2012-01-24 23:45:40 +0000 UTC]

someone give to a link to this part its been to long

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the-mad-caitlin [2011-11-07 13:34:41 +0000 UTC]

I love this scene! Well set out I'd say.

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candylover75 [2011-11-05 23:48:26 +0000 UTC]

I love it!

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TheStoryNeverEnds [2011-11-05 00:56:16 +0000 UTC]

OMGGGGGGGGGG!! I love it! Dude, it's totally inspiring me to write. I haven't felt that in way too long! Thank you!

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IvySoars In reply to TheStoryNeverEnds [2011-11-05 02:32:23 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome and give me credit If you write the story lol
I would soooo totally read your story just tell me when and where you will post it

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TheStoryNeverEnds In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-08 06:43:48 +0000 UTC]

I will!

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IvySoars In reply to TheStoryNeverEnds [2011-11-11 02:20:37 +0000 UTC]

p;z p;z credit me I would sooooo totally read your fic

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TheStoryNeverEnds In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-13 04:50:37 +0000 UTC]

I totally will

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BlackRosekitsune [2011-11-05 00:11:54 +0000 UTC]


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zutaralove96 [2011-11-04 01:59:46 +0000 UTC]

this is really awesome Ive!!!!! I wish I knew how to do this! just soooo awesome you need to take a look at my gallery chica!!

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IvySoars In reply to zutaralove96 [2011-11-05 02:33:01 +0000 UTC]

Your gallery rocks!!!!!! > : D

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zutaralove96 In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 13:59:41 +0000 UTC]

awwwwwww, thank you!!!!!

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IvySoars In reply to zutaralove96 [2011-11-13 01:30:42 +0000 UTC]

Hey you want me to teach you how to download photoshop cs4 and how to teach u how to use it?

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zutaralove96 In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-14 13:01:53 +0000 UTC]


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IvySoars In reply to zutaralove96 [2011-11-14 23:51:32 +0000 UTC]

K ill just send u a note when I have time

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zutaralove96 In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-15 22:14:24 +0000 UTC]

kk, thanks!! ^^

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lizzard294 [2011-11-04 01:05:22 +0000 UTC]

ooooohhhhh i never noticed zuko crying in this part

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IvySoars In reply to lizzard294 [2011-11-05 02:33:50 +0000 UTC]

Yea for some odd reason I wanted to make it emotional

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lizzard294 In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 04:46:20 +0000 UTC]

lol cool

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XenaBiteZ [2011-11-04 01:04:39 +0000 UTC]

O.O dude! this is AWESOME!

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IvySoars In reply to XenaBiteZ [2011-11-05 02:34:02 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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Koza-Kun [2011-11-03 18:14:57 +0000 UTC]

Really great work! :]

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IvySoars In reply to Koza-Kun [2011-11-05 02:34:16 +0000 UTC]


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Koza-Kun In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 13:12:29 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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PixieDaEmpath [2011-11-03 16:20:45 +0000 UTC]

I would have been so happy!

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IvySoars In reply to PixieDaEmpath [2011-11-05 02:34:36 +0000 UTC]

Who wouldn't

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PixieDaEmpath In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 15:44:40 +0000 UTC]

Kataang fans but I support Zuatara

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IvySoars In reply to PixieDaEmpath [2011-11-11 02:21:39 +0000 UTC]

even though kataang won zutara will always live on

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PixieDaEmpath In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-11 02:49:49 +0000 UTC]


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TomBoy163 [2011-11-03 12:53:50 +0000 UTC]

dang, i wish

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MusicOfLuie [2011-11-03 03:25:15 +0000 UTC]

Was this on an actual episode? o.o *mindblown*

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IvySoars In reply to MusicOfLuie [2011-11-03 03:26:32 +0000 UTC]

LOL no haha I wish
Do you remember I take photoshop classes in our school with Mrs. Grey?

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MusicOfLuie In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-03 03:27:43 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I remember ^-^ OMG these are really good! They look like they came off the tv!

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IvySoars In reply to MusicOfLuie [2011-11-03 03:31:47 +0000 UTC]

yay I improved my manipulating skills yayz

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SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-03 03:19:37 +0000 UTC]

WHOA! That's totally awesome! *U* *U* ROCK ON! *U*

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-03 03:22:03 +0000 UTC]

Arigatou all of this is manipulated in photoshop I took digital design 1 in Miami...well I used to, now I'm in Puerto Rico and there are no advance classes like in the United States

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SonicTailsBros4ever In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-03 03:27:19 +0000 UTC]

That's so cool! I'm taking a Computer Graphics class right now, but after a little over three months, we're still on the really annoying and slow Adobe Photoshop 3. XP We'll get to Photoshop last, I think my teacher said! T.T So bored and sad... XP

Puerto Rico?! Cool! Bummer they don't have any advanced classes, though... (If you don't mind me asking, what the heck are you doing way over there?! O.o)

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-03 03:30:59 +0000 UTC]

My class had photoshop 4

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SonicTailsBros4ever In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-03 05:27:35 +0000 UTC]

Cool! ^U^ I'm not sure which one mine has, but I hope it's the most recent! XD

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-05 02:30:10 +0000 UTC]

haha probably, and I know you'll be amazing at these one day

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SonicTailsBros4ever In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 03:18:45 +0000 UTC]

AW! *U* Thank you so much for the vote of confidence! *U* I really appreciate it (especially since I'm something of a computer idiot unless it's something of the internet or MS Word...and even then... XP)! Rock on!

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-05 03:28:15 +0000 UTC]

Good for you and you are not just a computer idiot we both are computer idiots


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SonicTailsBros4ever In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 04:36:22 +0000 UTC]

...XD We are? Sweet! I'm not the only one! *U* Awesome! Thanks for the companionship! XP

lol. COOKIE! *U* FAVORITE FOOD EVER -insert my friends' grumbling about how I can stay so skinny when I eat like that and never exercise...- XD

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-05 04:57:33 +0000 UTC]

LOL I wish I was like you
If I don't eat my blood level drops

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SonicTailsBros4ever In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 06:20:15 +0000 UTC]

lol. My friend, who was in softball, used to rag on me all the time for being so skinny without even trying while she worked at it so hard in softball and everything and really couldn't do much about it... XP I STILL get ragged on, even though she moved all the way to Virginia (from California, where I am)! XD That, and the fact that I don't and never have and never will have a boyfriend even though I'm nearing nineteen and graduating high school early this June... XP

Ah...blood level, eh? XP That's no fun! I'm sorry! -_o'

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-05 06:39:32 +0000 UTC]

Wow you play softball and graduating early wow congratulations
I bet you worked soo hard I bet right now you're tired O.O
Yea the doc told me I don't have to much blood but at least I'm alright all I have to do is eat right, but sadly in school I don't eat to much even though I need to eat I blame the cafeteria line and the people who skip to the front just to get there first but they act like they own the place and do that everyday it pisses me off and the security guards don't give a shit.

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SonicTailsBros4ever In reply to IvySoars [2011-11-05 21:07:02 +0000 UTC]

lol. Well, my Dad WANTED me to play softball and thought I could be really good since I was when I was younger when I played with him all the time, but I never played on an organized team (I'm not much for team sports unless it's in Phys. Ed. XD).

But in Phys. Ed. all the teachers and kids knew to back up when I came up to bat and basically called me 'slugger.' XD Plus, I could throw a football, run, basketball, and swim well, according to my friends... XP

I've never really cared to join a team or anything, though. I'd rather write, read, and watch my shows, you know? XP

lol. And school actually ends early this year for some reason, so after finals are over, I don't have to come to school for the last three days or so till graduation...or something like that. XD I'm still confused... XP So date-wise, yes, I'm graduating early, but not in the 'I rock' sense...unfortunately... XP

But on the other hand, yes, I'm tired. I was tired in the first or so week of school, so by now, major senioritis bouts come and go... ^_^'

And luckily this year is mostly easy (only class that pulls me down is AP Spanish 4), compared with last year when I worked through much stress, sweat, lots of tears, and lack of sleep (and sacrificing my dignity in the form of getting a tutor...something I've never had to do...) to get a B in AP Physics last year, the hardest class in the entire school, when most of the kids failed (or just about; according to the groans and panic-attacks and percentages toward the end of the year, I'd say the odds were against them)! XD

Ew... Cafeteria food?! O.o I haven't bothered with that since I was in elementary school! It's so gross, and besides that, it TOTALLY takes forever to get food! XP It's so annoying! I've been bringing little snacks from home ever since because of that crap, if not whole sandwiches and stuff. Buying the lunches gets really expensive, too, if you add it up over the year/years! -_-'

But aw...that's so mean that you have to wait and those jerks cut with no one caring! I still think they should really have a better system for hot lunch... XP

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IvySoars In reply to SonicTailsBros4ever [2011-11-11 02:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Amazing at the stuff you can do, also I'm good at swimming, and I've been to volleyball teams, I run alot when I feel like it, and love to ride my bike, haven't played football in a looooong time wow.
I'm impressed that you have AP classes *smartass*
Wish I was like you who can understand advanced classes like those I may be smart but not AP smart I could be in honors though. Wow is there any way for you to have a slight break I mean it's a lot of things for someone like you hope you don't get exhausted before graduation.
But I bet you'll do just fine because I just know your a responsible person.

Hey if you go to the high school cafeteria in Puerto Rico it's not like the cafeteria in the United States where there's weird tasting food, the food in PR is just like the food your mom could make....unless your mom is a spanish or hispanic person for example: arroz con habichuelas which means rice with beans and also for breakfest they might have avena or farina which means oatmeal they also have cereal, and that bread that has small amounts of cinnamon, and the chocolate milk will blow you away.

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