l o s t . i n . y e l l o w ...
h a p p y . b i r t h d a y . Jenny . a n d . Selina
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Dialed-In / Featured V13,,,,,,,,,...
Daily Deviations under 500 Favourites (Vol. 195)Many of the Daily Deviations have less than 500 favourites. These features are from the last few days! Congrats to all who received a DD! The number of views for each Deviation are at the time of posting this journal. They may have more than 500 favourites. ,Featured by @AlexanderPaupoff | Given on 2022-07-18 | 229 Favourites,Featured by @Queen-Kitty | Given on 2022-07-18 | 48 Favourites,Featured by @AlexanderPaupoff | Given on 2022-07-19 | 210 Favourites,Featured by @Ellysiumn | Given on 2022-07-19 | 231 Favourites,Suggested by @LittleBoy-Drawer & Featured by @Malintra-Shadowmoon | Given on 2022-07-20 | 225 Favourites,Suggested by @Kaze-Ki & Featured by @AlexanderPaupoff | Given on 2022-07-20 | 404 Favourites,Featured by @KizukiTamura | Given on 2022-07-21 | 403 Favourites,Featured by @pullingcandy | Given on 2022-07-21 | 385 Favourites,Featured by @lovelessdevotions | Given on 2022-07-22 | 355 Favourites,Suggested by @aralk & Featured by @Malintra-Shadowmoon | Given on 2022-07-22 | 126 FavouritesOther Daily Deviations that deserve attentionFeatured by @Astralseed, @ImaginaryRosseArt & @Ellysiumn on July 21, 2022,Featured by @pullingcandy, @phoenixleo & @JustACapharnaum on July 20, 2022,Featured by @Malintra-Shadowmoon, @KizukiTamura & @pullingcandy on July 19, 2022,Featured by @Astralseed, @pinkythepink & @JustACapharnaum on July 18, 2022,
Daily-Deviations Round-Up - July 2022Here are the DDs I featured in July 2022 - general photography I hope you enjoyed my little contribution to making photography on DA even more beautiful. Dont miss my "Photographer Project" and enjoy the show ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...
My Mid Week Favourites...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LONELY PEOPLE PHOTOGRAPHYThis feature is again a tribute to all lonesome and lost people here!Please remember, you are not alone in your loneliness!Sorry for the melancholia!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
© COPYRIGHT José Calheiros
All rights reserved. All works i show on DeviantART may not be used or reproduced in any form without my written permission