"..So then Gatomon said that I have an attitude problem. So I says 'yeah I do have an attitude problem, pussy willow! It's about my height, white, and thinks she's better than everyone she has a tail ring! The look on her spoilt face, She nearly coughed up a hairball- HEY! Are you even listening to me?!"
A warm-up doodle I got very attached to...
Wanted to practice drawing Digimon for something I might be working on. >w>"
Fun fact: Black Gatomons have never appeared in the Anime, or Manga. Even in games they have no personality and are merely alternate colured enemy monster to attack. But apparently, they are like their white counterparts, but far more moody and angsty. Also very rare, and are seen as a mistake 'cause it's a Gatomon born from a virus...
The background is referenced from promotional art for Digimon Tri (Which I still haven't watched any of it yet, please no spoilers!)
Background is referenced from promotional art for Digimon Tri (Which I still havent watched any of it yet, please no spoilers!)
Done with Paint Tool SAI
Blackgatomon, Gatomon, Digimon ©
Art, story, etc © Jackiefer
Don't copy, trace, repost, etc.