— Happy 20th Anniversary, Sonic Adventure 2!
2021-06-23 05:48:27 +0000 UTC
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20 years ago today, Shadow , the Ultimate Life Form, made his debut. 20 years ago today, the Eclipse Cannon on the Space Colony ARK was activated. 20 years ago today, Shadow realized the promise he made to Maria Robotnik before her death, and sought to fulfill it since then. Yes, today is the 20th anniversary of Sonic Adventure 2! To celebrate, I chose to make an image recreating the all iconic final boss from that game, where Super Sonic and Shadow fight off the Biolizard, which merged with the Space Colony ARK. Here's to 20 more years of Sonic calling Shadow a faker and making him eat his words, Rouge trying to steal the Master Emerald, and the Biolizard being tricky. As always, enjoy!
Sonic, Shadow, and the Biolizard belong to SEGA.
Kphoria made all assets.
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[2021-06-23 06:41:24 +0000 UTC]
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