Comments: 17
Sallaz [2012-09-16 18:01:46 +0000 UTC]
I really love it! It has details and yet it is simple. I also like how cute he looks. :3
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Sallaz In reply to Jacktoon [2012-09-27 20:10:48 +0000 UTC]
By chance got any other simple yet amazing drawings on your computer? :3 That really IS unforgivable. Shame on you.
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Sallaz In reply to Jacktoon [2012-09-29 10:33:51 +0000 UTC]
Owwww, yes, I have been following your scraps, quite closely actually. I feel like a stalker now. XD
Completely unrelated topic, have you read the Canterbury Tales?
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Sallaz In reply to Jacktoon [2012-09-29 14:16:19 +0000 UTC]
Well played, dA, well played... Actually, I've got all kinds of stuff spread all over my room. XD And I was thinking about LiveStreaming later today, so if you're interested, keep an eye out on my journal. :3
Hahaha, I read Dracula and stuff like that. XD
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Sallaz In reply to Jacktoon [2012-10-27 09:39:29 +0000 UTC]
Ooooooohhh. I wanna seeeee. When I submit my stuff, I always see a lot of things I can improve, so it's actually quite useful!
I guess so. XD Not sure when I'll be streaming again though. :/
Hahaha, I liked it, it's a bit slow at first, but then things (or rather humans) start going down, so... There was something I didn't understand though. They said Van Helsing was Dutch, but he spoke in German sometimes and never in Dutch. What's up with that?
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pouchnoubout [2012-09-16 14:47:06 +0000 UTC]
Aaah, Spyro. You and Crash used to have a career allright. XD
Altough i never played a Spyro game, i kinda like his design.
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wholetthemonstersout [2012-09-15 14:48:32 +0000 UTC]
I love the Spyro games (and by that I mean the first three).
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Jacktoon In reply to wholetthemonstersout [2012-09-15 15:09:58 +0000 UTC]
Haha yeah, I know exactly what you mean. To me, the Spyro series literally was just the first 3. I tried the 4th one and, although it wasn't neccessarily bad, it was pretty brokenly made. :/
Also thanks for the fave! :U
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wholetthemonstersout In reply to Jacktoon [2012-09-15 15:19:08 +0000 UTC]
I also tried the 4th one, and I agree: it's broken like hell. I recall that one of the levels were invisible.
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wholetthemonstersout In reply to Jacktoon [2012-09-15 15:51:30 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! I was honestly WALKING ON AIR! I was so stumped...
To me, they DID make A Hero's Tale pretty good (in my opinion at least) but it's NOTHING compared to the PS1 games.
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