Has it really been two years since I draw Kaeli and Phoebe in a similar concept?
Some Cosplay
Just to be clear, this isn't really Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's Tristam and Reuben. But rather Crystal Story's Tristam and Reuben cosplaying as them. It is really impossible to tell with the headgear and body armor, right? Hence why I added their weapons to make sure that's really them. Eye color isn't enough.
Well, at least Reuben avoided getting bopped by Phoebe just now. He'll get bopped another day.
My interest in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest has been reignited recently after watching a Discord friend play it and I joined in through the entire playthrough (with a rough start of family issues...) with me quoting Crystal Story everyone now and there.
I think I'll make one no... two skits with the characters from both games interacting and cross over! Stay tuned for that... maybe?
Another thing, this drawing is made on a separate sketchbook with white paper that sharpie ink bleed through, so the quality might be shaky.