Jadekettu — Pastel Wind

#fim #mlp #oc #pastel #pony
Published: 2019-04-07 19:30:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1634; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 0
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Description I guess that's the name of the pony now. Just got this ready and realized that I have to come up with a name. I'm horrible with names. Oh well.

Tried out Clip Studio Paint's auto colorization feature. I've never gotten it to work before and it didn't work this time either. I'm pretty sure reason is that the it doesn't work well with my type of lineart. Honestly I think nothing works with my lineart, because in this same picture I used vector layer to make the lineart. I fucked it up royally and ended up spending super long fixing it ._. Oh well yet again. Eh in the end it worked out really nicely, colors aren't too bright nor dark.

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Comments: 27

Guttatus [2019-06-26 14:07:18 +0000 UTC]

Last time I chatted with someone on discord and I told him that I have a sodastream...and he was like „Soda Stream? Sounds like a pony name“

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Jadekettu In reply to Guttatus [2019-06-28 18:39:41 +0000 UTC]

Holy shit I never though of that xD Soda stream is totally a pony name! 

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catname [2019-04-22 09:06:40 +0000 UTC]

The whole Art gives such a soft vibe! Like it's lighter then air! 0w0~

Love it!! Especially the colors on the mane and all the details You added!!! And this eye!! Unexpectedly it's warm and inviting rather then scary like most of such palette and dragon like eyes designs aim for, it's so cute! 0w0~

Also the name suit so much! Good job! In particular that it was on the last note xD

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Jadekettu In reply to catname [2019-04-22 10:05:37 +0000 UTC]

;uuu; Oh my I'm so glad you like it. 
Haha the name has grown on my so much xD

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catname In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-22 10:22:59 +0000 UTC]

And I'm glad I am able to admire it;]

Hehe, good to know! xD

(You answer way too fast!!! -.- )

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Jadekettu In reply to catname [2019-04-22 11:18:44 +0000 UTC]

(I'm the fasted one alive! Kidding, I just got time and decided to answer new comments. But in reality I should answer the old ones ._.)

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catname In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-22 11:26:35 +0000 UTC]

Hahahahaha!!!! I do the same.... The old comments are suffering in oblivion even when I am trying to reduce my notifications since I start to the stuff I see at front xD

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Jadekettu In reply to catname [2019-04-22 11:45:39 +0000 UTC]

Haha lol right?! I mean I have that threshold where I won't let it go over, and start answering when it reached that, but honestly I just glance at them and go "Someday..."

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catname In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-27 11:00:59 +0000 UTC]

Today is "Someday"!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it!! Partly... But I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0w0~

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Jadekettu In reply to catname [2019-04-29 09:56:34 +0000 UTC]

I'm proud So proud

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catname In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-30 08:19:07 +0000 UTC]

    Yeah, I'm that cool~~    xD

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TheWhiteLie [2019-04-08 13:38:30 +0000 UTC]

Hah at least you can create OC's, I'm soooo bad designing interesting OC's or even name them this one is very cool

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Jadekettu In reply to TheWhiteLie [2019-04-11 21:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Hey names are the worst. That's why 3 characters I have created and named are some form of "Jade Kettu"
But thanks ^^ 

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TheWhiteLie In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-12 11:47:43 +0000 UTC]

But for you sounds, good, I would like to use "White" and "lie" in more ways to name ponies, I'm not good in that :v

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Jadekettu In reply to TheWhiteLie [2019-04-15 07:57:33 +0000 UTC]

Haha maybe yeah, but considering "Kettu" is just Finnish for Fox, it makes it worse (well only for my Finnish viewers ).
But honestly just anything but English works if you can deal with people not pronouncing them right

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TheWhiteLie In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-15 11:15:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah xd

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EqDBot [2019-04-07 22:10:05 +0000 UTC]

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RysunkowaSucharia [2019-04-07 19:47:36 +0000 UTC]

I thought you had drawn Cozy Glow because a new MLP episode had come out and I really wanted to write a comment with a complaint, because I haven't seen the episode yet and I don't want spoilers, but then I viewed the picture and it turned out that it's not Cozy Glow only some OC that looks damn similar to Cozy Glow. I'm still going to write a complaint though: Jade, stop drawing so nicely, you make me feel jealous

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Jadekettu In reply to RysunkowaSucharia [2019-04-11 21:39:54 +0000 UTC]

HA as if I could be that relevant with my drawings? Picture about episode that came less than week ago?! HA, I can never ever do that. It's just impossible for me. Except if it was cheer consequence
Well I would like to write a complaint about the episode, but eh... I'm over it already. Glad I Chrysalis was there, but overall I was pretty disappointed. 
Anyways: NEVER! It's the only power I have ;-; Making people slightly jealous.

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RysunkowaSucharia In reply to Jadekettu [2019-04-12 06:49:53 +0000 UTC]

No, I actually was quite surprised that you had drawn something based on the brand new episode. Except you hadn't

MLP is just a bad show, ok?

(I only watch it because ponies are the only thing I can draw at least fine enough)

(Besides, Jade, look what I drew yesterday:

Maj grejtest masterpis

One dude is even trying to convince to upload it to my gallery, but no, the world isn't ready yet)

Well, but at least Discord was fine. He kinda turned into this: "holly crap, those ponies are dumb, but at least cute and friendly so I'm going to help them" character. Seriously, I can relate to Discord

Also, it's a meme how Canterlot guards noticed Sombra coming and then literally disappeared so the king could walk in just like that

You actually make me quite significantly jealous

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Jadekettu In reply to RysunkowaSucharia [2019-04-18 16:00:15 +0000 UTC]

I think I've never drawn anything relating to the newest episode and posted it in the same week as the episode ._. If I had it's a fucking accident or a miracle from heavens itself xD

I mean there are bad episodes, and good episodes But overall I've drawn about 200 pictures of it xD I refuse to say the whole show is bad
(Well that's understandable I mean at this point I'm watching it for Starlight Glimmer xD)
(Holy fucking god whose has blessed us with this! I'm with that one dude. The world needs to see this o-o)

Yeaah Discord has been like the "WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?!?" but at the same time "You understand who he is and thus why he is not doing anything"-character hahah 
HOly shit they did that didn't they xD hahah Goddamn these guards!

Oh man I must have gotten stronger! AHAHAHAHA!
Ok ok I will try to lessen my powers a pit.
It's not working?!

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RysunkowaSucharia In reply to Jadekettu [2019-07-21 06:28:44 +0000 UTC]

"miracle from heavens itself xD"

Does our God-kid religion (what it's lagit name again?) has heaven too?

Dude, it's a kid show. It has no plot. We're only watching it for fandom and because ponies are fun to draw

Meh, Starlight Glimmer is just a recolor of Sunset Shimmer. And Sunset Shimmer has some boobs so she's cooler anyway

I mean, just kidding, I like Starlight too^^

Like, it's not much worse than other drawings in my gallery

I like Canterlot guards. They make me realize that there are more useless being than me in the world.

Ou wait, Canterlot guards aren't "in this world" ;-;

Nah, that's ok. Jealousy motivates me

Like, most of people consider it to be a bad feeling but it is indeed motivating.

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Jadekettu In reply to RysunkowaSucharia [2019-07-22 12:24:26 +0000 UTC]

God-kiddies (yes legit name was God-Kid) have to have heaven. Because we got souls, and shit. Our heaven is probably like something cool. I dunno. Haven't been there yet.

Ok yeah true

Haha exactly, but only one of them is made of bacon! And other one is cult leader. Sooo yeah both are pretty cool

Don't worry, their uselessness carries over from the fictional universe to this one xD You're not the most useless one. I mean... my twitter exists too xD

Jealousy is the best motivator
But I understand you there. Like I have found myself improving many times when I find someone who I become jealous over.
So I guess it's good when you don't let it affect how you treat other people. Like if you become dickhead and belittle them because you are jealous it's bad, but if you strive to become better it's good  

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RysunkowaSucharia In reply to Jadekettu [2019-11-30 11:37:21 +0000 UTC]

How does having souls implies having a heaven?

Like, it probably doesn't even imply afterlife

You know, soul is such a vague term that it doesn't really imply much I only know that my soul is a potato

She's an ex-cult leader actually.

And she still doesn't have boobs so... Sunset is still cooler

Well, at least you have a cool location set on your Twitter

Hungry crocodile running after you is a better motivat... ou we were talking about drawing motivators, right?

Awww, I couldn't agree with you more  

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Jadekettu In reply to RysunkowaSucharia [2019-12-01 00:19:06 +0000 UTC]

... Good point. I mean I hope it does? It just might be emptiness, that our soul dies with the body. 
Oh well we will see that then

.... Damn you are having good points xD haha lol

I MEAN if a hungry crocodile was running behind me and only way to get it to stop was to draw, that would be damn good motivator xD

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jo-jo999freak [2019-04-07 19:40:17 +0000 UTC]

I like the name. It suit the pony.

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Jadekettu In reply to jo-jo999freak [2019-04-11 21:37:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm not yet sure, it was really rushed name, but yeah I suppose it's fitting xD haha

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