Jagarnot — Lulu the Black Mage

Published: 2007-03-29 04:43:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 1344; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 159
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Description This is Lulu from the video game Final Fantasy 10, I'm a hugh fan of this game and Lulu is one of my favorite characters.
I drew this with a Uniball pen and did all of the shading with a regular ballpoint pen.
I'm really happy with this picture, I don't often do tiny details due to lack of patience. But Lulu isn't Lulu with out those little details and so this was something I had to do.
I made this piece back in 2005, so it's a little old but it's still upload worthy!
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Comments: 31

MagarahTezerra [2010-06-04 23:15:45 +0000 UTC]

Lulu is an awesome character, no? I've yet to finish FF10...

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Jagarnot In reply to MagarahTezerra [2010-06-06 21:47:22 +0000 UTC]

I agree, she was one of my favorites

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itami112360 [2008-04-16 17:46:02 +0000 UTC]

Lulu's my fav. too!!!!!!

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Jagarnot In reply to itami112360 [2008-04-16 17:49:08 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, I don't see how anyone could dislike her!

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itami112360 In reply to Jagarnot [2008-04-16 17:57:56 +0000 UTC]

I know seriously!!!

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Yami-Tiff [2008-01-26 06:36:40 +0000 UTC]

I love the attitude the Moogle's giving!

FF X and X-2 are my all time fave FF games. LuLu is one of the coolest characters ever!

This picture looks like it took you a while to do! It's so detailed and really beautiful!

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Jagarnot In reply to Yami-Tiff [2008-01-26 14:58:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god, it took me over a week in total to finish this damn drawing... I kept on putting it off because the tiny details were giving me a headache. I love FFX but I wasn't so fond of FFX2. I think my favorite though would have to be FF8. I recently beat FF12 though, it was pretty cool. I still need to get around to finishing my copy of FF4... it's collecting dust in my room.
Damnit, Radiata Stories has been distracting me from all of the other games I have but haven't played yet...

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Yami-Tiff In reply to Jagarnot [2008-01-26 15:38:44 +0000 UTC]

I beat X and X-2. I bought VIII for my hubby and he hasn't played it for a while. He's been playing 12. He's beat it once, now he's going back and just goofing off. I NEED VII!!!

I've had Okami for a few months and I haven't played it in forever!

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Jagarnot In reply to Yami-Tiff [2008-01-27 04:11:48 +0000 UTC]

Oooo... I need to get a copy of Okami! I've wanted to play it for ages. So you say you got FF8 for your husband but have you played it yet? I really enjoyed it, I wish they'd put the "Draw" command in a future FF title again. Luckly I got FF7 a few years ago before stores stopped selling PS1 games.

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Yami-Tiff In reply to Jagarnot [2008-01-27 04:21:23 +0000 UTC]

No, I haven't gotten a chance to play FF8 yet. I found FF7 on eBay for a pretty penny. It's kinda expensive. Collector's thing I guess.

I bought Okami at "Game Stop" used for $30 and it was worth it! It's so pretty!

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Jagarnot In reply to Yami-Tiff [2008-01-27 04:41:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad I was able to get FF7 for $10 new when it was available. I search Game Stop and Game Crazy when I get the chance, I'll find Okami eventually. I sure hope you play FF8 soon! It's amazing.

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Emeralde [2007-08-24 22:23:56 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Lulu!

I really love the dress. The skirt with the belts looks just awesome!! And I adore the Mogry. ^___^

It's amazing what you can do with a ballpoint pen! I'm a pencil-girl through and through. *lol*

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Jagarnot In reply to Emeralde [2007-08-25 03:06:03 +0000 UTC]

Ballpoint pens are the best! You should give them a shot, you can do amazing shadow effects with them. Thanks for the compliment!

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Emeralde In reply to Jagarnot [2007-08-29 20:17:02 +0000 UTC]

You`re welcome.
Well, I know why I prefer pencils... erasers!!
I do most shading by erasing shadows I've drawn before, so I would have to use a completely different tecnique if I used ballpoints. Maybe I'm going to give it a shot someday, see what happens.

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Jagarnot In reply to Emeralde [2007-08-30 01:48:29 +0000 UTC]

That's why I draw everything in pencil first and then go over it in pen. I can erase what I need to in pencil and perfect everything and make it look clean in pen.

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Emeralde In reply to Jagarnot [2007-09-02 01:12:51 +0000 UTC]

That's a nifty technique. I'll be sure to keep it in mind when I try doing something with ballpoints.

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Jagarnot In reply to Emeralde [2007-09-02 02:00:23 +0000 UTC]

I've been using that technique since I was in grade school, I've always assumed that everyone else used it too until I joined this site. I was quite surprised to find out that almost no one does.

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Emeralde In reply to Jagarnot [2007-09-02 02:08:06 +0000 UTC]

You know, I've always been using pencils, because I'm actually a bit colourblind (sometimes can't tell the difference between green and blue °.O). I am also often told that my clothing is mismatched when I think it's perfectly okay. That's why I've hardly ever tried doing something else than pencil, but with your technique I might try doing something with ballpoints... in just one colour, though.

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Jagarnot In reply to Emeralde [2007-09-02 02:14:12 +0000 UTC]

I actually prefer drawing in black and white since more detail can be seen that way like in this drawing that you commented for example. The only reason that I have a lot of colored work in my gallery is because other people really like to see work in color. But yeah this might be a really good technique for you especially if you're color blind. I hope you enjoy trying out this technique for yourself!

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PyroNeko7 [2007-03-29 13:21:49 +0000 UTC]

Very nice, love the details!

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Jagarnot In reply to PyroNeko7 [2007-03-29 13:23:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. It took me forever to finish this drawing!

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katamount [2007-03-29 11:30:41 +0000 UTC]

She has a weird dress....

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Jagarnot In reply to katamount [2007-03-29 11:52:42 +0000 UTC]

Yep, I've never understood how she is able to walk while wearing that. But it looks cool at least.

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katamount In reply to Jagarnot [2007-03-29 12:19:43 +0000 UTC]

All the clothes in that game were weird.

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Jagarnot In reply to katamount [2007-03-29 12:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Yep, but I think Aurons outfit was the most down to earth simply because he looked kinda like a samurai.

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Rocul [2007-03-29 05:05:45 +0000 UTC]

Wooot!! It's Lulu!

those are some pretty amazing details you got in there!

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Jagarnot In reply to Rocul [2007-03-29 05:07:21 +0000 UTC]

Yay! I love Lulu, I'm glad you like it.

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Rosydragon [2007-03-29 04:53:39 +0000 UTC]

Oh man! heck yes! Details=
The moogle is cute! I actually know what a moogle is XDD Thats from Ali fangirling over em though xD

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Jagarnot In reply to Rosydragon [2007-03-29 04:56:59 +0000 UTC]

Wheeee! I'm like this one too so it's nice to know you like it. I know you really like my colored stuff but black and white is my strong point and I think it really shows in this picture.
Yes Moogles are very cute, Lulu actually uses a stuffed toy Moogle to cast spells in FFX.

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Rosydragon In reply to Jagarnot [2007-03-30 17:25:19 +0000 UTC]

yeah I like your black and white too! Gah I like it all!

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Jagarnot In reply to Rosydragon [2007-03-31 01:24:21 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe, this picture was freakin' hard but it was worth all the time I put into it. You need to play Final Fantasy X just so you can see how awesome Lulu is.

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