Comments: 110
erikatheraindeer [2018-04-25 10:28:29 +0000 UTC]
*And Then The Winged Hussars Arrived intensifies*
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Paru-chinBaka [2016-05-19 20:07:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for including Ukraine. Poland is awesome, and so are your drawings!
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Janemin In reply to Paru-chinBaka [2016-05-20 20:55:32 +0000 UTC]
Повстання об'єднав всі соціальні статуси буржуазії, поміщиків, дворян і селян!
Як я могла виключити Україну? 8D
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Paru-chinBaka In reply to Janemin [2016-05-20 22:10:48 +0000 UTC]
Дякую! Просто, Росія так часто нас виключає, що я до цього привикла. Потрібно отучіватсья!
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Janemin In reply to Paru-chinBaka [2016-05-21 20:25:40 +0000 UTC]
лике тотално XD, Польща не Росія, і ми бачимо вас, ми не виключаємо вас і прийняти вас (з усіма перевагами і вадами ) XD. Без України не було б великої Речі Посполитої! ( Ось чому ми ніколи не хотіли, щоб відпустити вас XD
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Paru-chinBaka In reply to Janemin [2016-05-22 15:58:52 +0000 UTC]
Спасибі вам! Ми тут вас теж поважаємо, любимо.
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Kirinchin [2014-12-31 00:28:16 +0000 UTC]
Nie wiem nawet co napisać, to jest piękne ;__;
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xblack-white [2014-12-02 18:34:53 +0000 UTC]
I have never seen so much badass in one drawing. Beautiful, just beautiful.
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morrigann11 [2014-02-19 21:58:45 +0000 UTC]
Мой пра-...-прадед участвовал в этом восстании (он был поляк). Был выслан на Урал. А его потомки стали... русскими) Хотя фамилия моей матери и её сестер в РФ единственная - нет однофамильцев. То есть про польские корни они помнят.
Блин, ну поменьше бы было антирусской риторики, русские бы сами в Европу рвались. Сейчас люди помнят то разочарование, что постигло нас в 90е, когда все пинали наше государство (какое бы оно ни было). И мало кто верит западным демократам( Это все очень на руку автократичной власти. Жаль(
Знаешь, представь картинку: все отворачиваются от Ивана, а Путин и Ко приговаривают: "Ты им не нужен! Ты только сам за себя." Ваньке, который не может один! Отверженность убивает в людях все самое лучшее - доброту, широту души, доверие...
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Janemin In reply to morrigann11 [2014-02-20 15:35:42 +0000 UTC]
Да, я заметил, что большинство россиян, кто комментирует под мои рисунки являются россияне с польскими корнями ... X]
Это хорошая тема для рисования - чертовски верно и грустно ...
"Мудрость приходит в одиночестве,
но это всегда делает чудо ... для этого нужно другого человека, чтобы встать из незаживающие бывший элемент ран ...
другого человека чтобы должен был и услышал и остал!"…
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morrigann11 In reply to Janemin [2014-02-20 21:14:34 +0000 UTC]
У нас все россияне с какими-то корнями) *поэтому национализм у нас выглядит странно* Но с польскими очень много. Этих предков помнят и гордятся (да и фамилии польского происхождения красивые )
Piękna muzyka! Найти бы слова...
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Janemin In reply to morrigann11 [2014-02-20 22:05:13 +0000 UTC]
Monologi wypowiadane w twarz
to są monologi gdzie zasłuchanych ciągle brak
analogii wciąż doszukuję się w twoich słowach do mnie
Bo kiedyś sama też...
w monologach topiłam prawdy swe
chociaż w monologach nigdy nie odnalazłam się
układałam po nocach w myślach plan
aby w monologi zamienić w rozmów moc.
Ref: Człowieka trzeba aby powstać z nieuleczonych dawniej ran.
Człowieka trzeba by wysłuchał i został.
Mądrość przychodzi w samotności ale nie zawsze sprawia cud.
Człowieka trzeba aby powstać...
Co dziś mówią nie zawsze prawdą jest
chociaż to co mówią takie wygodne jest.
Ale intuicja mówi mi żeby wysłuchać
nade wszystko jednak pamiętać że:
Ref: Człowieka trzeba ...
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LeiaDeWitt In reply to Janemin [2014-09-13 21:07:55 +0000 UTC]
Присоединяюсь к компании людей с польскими корнями. У меня мама с Польши. На территории Украины и России поляки не редкость. У моей учительницы отец поляком был. Всегда казалась странным, что поляки и россияне вечно враждую, потому что у многих в Польше есть корни. Но политики вечно натравливают их друг на друга. Мир и дружба спасут вселенную. К сожалению, жизнь в мире и без войн - выдумки.
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Janemin In reply to LeiaDeWitt [2014-09-15 21:52:31 +0000 UTC]
Надежда состоит в том что будут жить люди, которые хотят мира больше чем войны.
то, что политики:
Существует правило в политике: "разделяй и властвуй".
A что обычные люди могут?
"Гора с горой не сойдется, а человек с человеком всегда".
На Украине (в крошечных деревнях) было лучше видно, где Поляк и Украинский с Раском жил по соседству и говорили польско-украинскo-русский языком.
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Arminius1871 [2013-06-03 13:29:58 +0000 UTC]
During the german Hambacher festival in 1832, there were also Poles, because the patriotic Germans wanted an united nation, a new polish state and a friendship with France. Sadly nationalism destroyed a lot some decades later.
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RoxyOxygen [2013-03-10 12:56:31 +0000 UTC]
To po prostu zachwycające! Nie mogę oderwać się od artu, tak mi się podoba. A te oczy! I naprawde jest bardzo dynamicznie. Widać że 150 rocznica - to nie tylko słowa dla artera. Wszyscy są takie... takie... Już nie mam słów, tylko emocje…
Specjalny dzieńki za godło u Białorusi
PS Przepraszam, jeśli zrobiłam dużo błędów
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Janemin In reply to RoxyOxygen [2013-03-10 19:17:18 +0000 UTC]
Cała przyjemność po mojej stronie!
Białoruska krew nigdy nie pójdzie w zapomnienie!!!! Dziękuję za komentarz w j.polskim - Błędy nie istotne ^,^
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Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 11:41:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm exstremly sorry for disturbing you, but the sources on russian i've read, like - [link] (monography of Russian Historian, who works in Moscow State University), and russian language Wiki said another story. I'm not fully sure if it more accurate, than your sources, but i'll represent it here, cause there is diffirent image of this Event. I'll try to put a short version of it, on english (it's not my native language, tough.)
1) Real reason of the starting the Uprising: Even tough there war pro-Russian laws in Poland that time, there wasn't demanding and using force from russian authorities to poles to do, what laws said, polish language was openly used even if it was forbidden by law, polish aristocracy was granted big priveleges, most of the russian authorities and high class people was "Polonophils" ^_^ . That ended up in belive, that any sort of uprising will be succesful.
2) The final goal was rebirth of Rzeczpospolita in 1772 year's Borders, means not only ethnical Polish, but also whole Lithuanian, Belarussian and part of Ukrainian ethnical territories. So it cant be for Lithuanian, Belorussian or Ukraine Independence, but for them being only part of Poland. Most of the aristocrats, that lives there was Polish,and it not says about polish right on these lands, but of how priveleged they are at that time. The proclamations of the leaders of the uprising on that territories clearly says, that it' going only for POLAND and Polish People. Still, most of the inhabitants there were Orthodox, and that was main reason of uprising's defeat in these lands.
3) Uprising was initiated by highest class, supported by the Church and it representatives, and (through agitation in schools and universities) young students. Peasants, even Polish, was mostly either neutral, or against the uprising. Force was used for those, who not wanted participate. So there was many fights between participants of uprising, and peasants. There was even the story, that group of peasants (not Polish, but Lithuanians as i remember), who fights the rebell forces, wins, and then went into jail for "deeds against their rulers - polish aristocrats" ^_^...
4) Participants was in full sure, that France will send theire army to support them. Altought non France, not even Great Britain has intentions to declare War against Russia at that time. Prussia, on the other hand, was diffirent. Bismarck said: "I've pity'ing fo Poles, but since Silesia (ethnical Polish territory) is our most vital region, we will have no over choise but to fully occuping Poland and crash it's people, if russians will go from it, cause we can't survive otherwise".
Please, don't took me wrong, i really like all your RusPol doujins, and fascinating towards slavs (I'm like that myself ^_~), but i want for you to knew, how the people in other countries sees same events, you're writing about...
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 15:14:33 +0000 UTC]
France always had a high regard for us Poles...(irony) They always said: that they will not fight for the Poles.
Ohoho We support your struggle for independence but we don't want to expose ourself to the Tsar hi hi!(pussy!) During World War II, they only confirmed that saying, - France will not fight for the Gdańsk! If they try to, they would crushed hitler, in two weeks.
Oh well... French, we could always count on them! =_='
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-02-27 16:19:05 +0000 UTC]
And a little bit of irony from me: Before the start of WW II, Soviet Union asked Poland to sign a mutual protection part between them, but they're answered - "We don't need your big and nasty Russia, we have our great friends, England and France, they're protect us!..." I think, that in this situation, Red Army in the Poland fighting against Nazis, wouldn't end up in Poland became communist... Too different situation... But again - that's only my opinion...
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 21:11:56 +0000 UTC]
NOoooooo don't say like that!!!!! Not nasty russians
(Hate was - Great Purge - Operational order 00485 signed on August 11, 1937 by Yezhov - that's a fact) but it was more like - We will not let you suck us again!!! As Soviet sucked Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine! And no! remember Ribentrop-Molotov pact. Stalin thought that Germany are his best friend! That's why he disarmed half of his army O_o
But i like your sense of humor! ^v^
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 11:56:34 +0000 UTC]
POLITICS. You now that... Stalin was honest, when he proposed England and France, and Poland a military union against Germany. But they refused, so he turned it around, and made a pact with Hitler, to have some time and (lands) before his attack. And no, he was ALWAYS sure, that Hitler will attack him - but only after British defeat!.. He not for once said to his friends: "Hitler will never attack us befor Britain surrenders. He is not an IDIOT !..." Then Hitler proved, that Stalin's fascinating about him as a military and political Leader (that one is truth) was wrong.
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-03-01 14:44:52 +0000 UTC]
Perhaps... his assumption of happy humanity were not that bad, worse with practice! =_=
Especially for Russians...
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 18:49:51 +0000 UTC]
like: He was so belived in Ukrainians ability of making food, that he touhgt taht no matter how much food he will take from them to the other parts of country - Ukrainians will still able to eat like they want's... Really Dark Humour, but also a fact. Ukrainians calling it Holodomor, but in fact, it was just stalin's imagination of south part of the Soviet Union. Not only 3-5 millions Ukrainans was died in that time - millions of Russians and people from the other nationalities was dying also, mostly around Volga. Just Ukrainian Politics like to ignore that fact. When massenger said, that Ukrainians don't have anythig to eat - he answered that he is soo good whith the fairytales, that he should became a writer, a fact also. He really has that kind of blind and dark humour...
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-03-01 19:26:08 +0000 UTC]
Голодомор - yeah!
He was paranoid and did not have the imagination...
The idea of greate happy sovietland surpassed him.
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-02 03:21:56 +0000 UTC]
same image here, too.
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 14:58:20 +0000 UTC]
3. We even have the novel ("on the Niemen River") about that problem.
A pesant had a choice: to fight or not to fight? For the Polish master? or the Russian Empire ?... ^ ^
We call it the creation of a full national consciousness - that peasant is also a citizen.(In those days it was not so obvious)
Both sides tried to bribe peasants enfranchisement -
Poles - Fight with us, there will be no more serfdom!
Russia - Stop fighting, there will be no more serfdom!
What's funnier, Car abolished serfdom in Poland but not in Russia ... O_o 8D
so the peasant not to ever stand in the fight with his Polish master against the Empire!
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-02-27 16:19:10 +0000 UTC]
Ah! I forgot one thing about that!... Uprising started after 1861, year when peasants became free by law. But partsof this law can be used for noble's prosperity, and Polish aristocrasy used that - they just started to take away lands from peasants for themselvs, without any compensation!... Cause of this greednes, polish peasants was against Uprising.
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 20:09:59 +0000 UTC]
... the national riots (genesis of uprising) began on 27 February 1861- with a patriotic demonstration in Warsaw suppressed by the Russian military, 5 dead.[[link] (Unfortunately, only in Polish)
In the Polish lands incorporated directly into the Russian state enfranchisement introduced tsarist ukase of 1861, which gave land to the peasants on condition of its purchase.
Keeping serfdom for two years from the announcement of the act matters ukase and the amount of claims provoked widespread discontent. Imperial edict of 1861 did not include the lands of the Polish Kingdom [link]
The peasants took part in the January Uprising (the same as in the Kościuszko Uprising 1794) I have the impression that you write about the the November Uprising 1830- 1831 which peasants did not participate!
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 11:56:55 +0000 UTC]
By source i've read, link before: Uprising was decided to start on 3rd(15th) January. That there was recruits conscripting, most of them refused to go to army (mostly - persuaded by agitation for do that), then many Polish young mans openly goes to the woods. Then - first fights, few attacks on military convoys with Polish recruits. 10(22) and 11(23) January there was attacks on almost all of the russian army's garrisons in Poland, but most on them faild with the succes - 30 soldiers death, free more time ones was hurted. Than many attacks on russian patrols later by the armed crowd's, when Poland was setted under the siege condition (before february!). And mostly interesting in that - mo even one word about demonstration. Because by this information - gights has already started in the first half of the january - started by polish partitions of the uprising.
It also said that no - most fo the peasants was neutral.
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-03-01 14:34:49 +0000 UTC]
I'm not surprised that this is in Russia, not inform.
Uprising is not organized in a single day.S uch a decision is taken sometimes for many years
The first Polish conspiracy organizations were created in the province, "taken away" since the beginning of 1856. At the University of Kiev was established so. 'The general', from which emerged more secretive "Compound Trojnicki". Association sought contacts with the youth in the areas of all three partitions and called for a national uprising. The second center, which developed the Polish underground organizations, was St. Petersburg. The most important underground cell where designated officers studying at the Academy of the General Staff - source [link]
~June 11, 1860 in Warsaw, was the first in 30 years the great patriotic demonstration was organized in connection with the funeral of the widow of a hero of the November Uprising, General Joseph Sowiński.
~November 29, 1860, the anniversary of the November Night next big demonstration was organized and composed a song once sung by Luigi Felinski in honor of Tsar Alexander I, changing the chorus to "free country, Lord grant unto us back."
~In view of the increasing instances of the population of Warsaw, Tsar Alexander II was determined to apply the most severe repression and in the case of larger city street demonstrations was to be bombed from the Warsaw Citadel.
~February 25, 1861 the Russian army disperse the demonstration carried out in 30 anniversary of the Battle of Olszynka Grochowska.
~February 27 on Krakowskie Przedmiescie of Russian salvo killed five protesters. These events led to the Royal Castle deliberative "Agricultural Society" to adopt a resolution on the enfranchisement of the peasants. Appalled by the events of the middle class formed the Warsaw Municipal delegation, led by the banker Leopold Kronenberg, who made the address to the Tsar, which called for respect for the freedom of citizens of the Polish Kingdom.
~Massacre in Warsaw 1861 -
~March 2 funeral five killed at the Powazki Cemetery turned into a great manifestation of the solidarity of all states of the Warsaw Królestwa.Wydarzenia were widely covered on prowincji.Chłopi stop chasing serfdom.
~On the night of 7 to 8 April Alexander Wielopolski submitted for signature by the governor, General Mikhail Gorczakowowi developed its "Law on concourse" and authorizing the use of military force against civilians.Already on April 8 at Castle Square Russians showed their true intentions when fired at unarmed crowd. 100 people were killed and hundreds were injured
Mikhail Gorchakov - his successor was Nikolai Suchozanet to introduce even greater repression. You could be arrested even for wearing the national costume or singing patriotic songs.
~Patriotic demonstrations were organized in many cities of the Kingdom, Lithuania, Russia, Galicia.
~August 12 was a mass demonstration in Kaunas. August 18 Russian military force dispersed a demonstration on the outskirts of Vilnius on Pohulance, there were many wounded.
~August 26 there is a patriotic demonstration in Grodno, at the last minute prevented bloodshed. September 3rd Governor Vladimir Nazimow imposed martial law in several counties reporting to the province.
~Five killed, Manifestation of Unity Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Kaunas in 1861 [[link] . ] and Manifestation of Unity in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1861 Horodlo. [ [link] . ]
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Janemin In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 14:40:30 +0000 UTC]
sorry ^^'
-March 2 funeral five killed at the Powazki Cemetery in Warsaw turned into a great manifestation of the solidarity of all states of the Kingdom . Events were widely covered on province. Peasantry stop chasing serfdom.
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 14:41:07 +0000 UTC]
Emblem of the January uprising - 3 symbols: Eagle - Poland, Pogoń - Lithuania, and the Archangel Michael - Ukraine. The symbol of Belarus has not been completed and approved by the same Belarusins, therefore they performed under the sign of Lithuania's Chase (Pogoń).
2.The manifesto released on Jan. 22, 1863: to fight against the Russian Empire were called all the inhabitants of the Partitions of Poland - Poles, Lithuanians, Russians and Jews. It provided for the creation of an independent state and equal rights for all citizens.
Let us remember that the First Republic has a democratic constitution which assumes equality of all citizens.
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-02-27 16:19:14 +0000 UTC]
From saurces i've read, the goal was Polonization of all people into that future country... Well That's hard to know either you right here, or I'am - we can't ask people lived then about they're intentions, and cannot see result, if Uprising would be succesfull... Still, it wouldnt the independant Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine though... Geeze, if Prussia wouldn't so "ass licking" (sorry for that =^_^, toward Russia, Poles can fight they're ethnicalcal lands from Prussia and Austria (Silesia and Galicia), than Poland can survive, and became indpendent nation, Alexander II said about that... But that sneaky basterd Bismarck... And France...
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 11:59:44 +0000 UTC]
I'ts still not the same time as the ones in Russian Empire...
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 20:51:27 +0000 UTC]
Again...=_=' how can you Polonize lands that were already were Polonized since 1569 ????? I agree with you that Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine did not wanted to be part of union but separate country!! It was a time when the national consciousness has awakened in all these nations! Rule is one - if you don't fight for your independence no one will give it to you. We tried to figth with Prussia in Poznan Uprising in 1848... but Polish troops had no chance with the regular army T.T
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 12:04:55 +0000 UTC]
You know - Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine are existing. Polonization - just like russification and germanization - is the way to assimilation of the representatives of the other culture into your own. That means - dissappearing of the named culture. So - they wasn't polonized. And don't idealize polonization, please!
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-03-01 13:57:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm not! Any attempt to force their own culture to others is evil! BAD and Tochka!
But I don't get it if there was no polonization until partitions - How do you know, that there surely will be polonization after regaining independence, if there were(as you say) no polonization till partition? And why 1/3 of the Belarusian (apart from Poles) nation was exiled in addition to the fight for independence? I'm sorry. I just don't understand it. Please try to explain it to me.
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-01 18:18:49 +0000 UTC]
I' don't said there was no polonozation before partitions, sorry - must said something that lead to misunderstanding. I mean'd - there was attempt for it, but it fails in the end. I say that by my sources - Almost all participants of the uprising were Poles, they said: - "To Poland! To Poles!" In Belarussia and Lithuania to. They trying not to say that in Ukraine too, but Ukrainians not belived them nonetheless. And I'm not heard of Belarussians doing anything, against Russian Empire's Goverment, except small groups, who was supporting Polish uprisings.
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-03-01 19:55:31 +0000 UTC]
OI sorry - The January Uprising in Lithuania and White Russia [link]
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-03-01 19:51:42 +0000 UTC]
Belarusian and Ukrainian nations existed but there was no State of Belarus ore Ukraine! What they should to scream? For the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? (- Since the seventeenth century, often known (just) as the Republic of Poland. So just Poland) Nobody shouted - for the Crown! (also name of Poland) Because no one wanted to die for the king (Here there was no absolutism). So they shouted for Poland For the the Poles.
Western Europe named that (Poles) to all citizens of the Commonwealth, only We and You knew their real names! Russ White - Belarus
Red Rus - Ukraine
The November Uprising in Lithuania, Samogitia [[link] C5% BBmud% C5% BA] and Russia White [[link] C5% 9B_Bia% C5% 82a].
[Http://] n-Again only Polish, _;
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-03-02 03:12:07 +0000 UTC]
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 14:20:45 +0000 UTC]
1.Real reason of the starting the Uprising:
TO FREE RZECZPOSPOLITA (read- Commonwealth. Contemporary rather than pronounce the full name of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth spoke briefly - Poland. Since Poland had the crown.) To liberate Poland(P-L.C) from the occupiers!
Russia's defeat in the Crimean War revealed the inherent weakness. This led Tsar Alexander II Romanov to make some political reforms.
Poles read this as a sign of weakness of the Russian autocracy and began preparing for the outbreak of a new uprising.
The first Polish conspiracy organizations established in the province, "taken away" since the beginning of 1856. It was mostly young students which don't remember the failure of november uprising.
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Zhou-Yui In reply to Janemin [2013-02-27 16:19:18 +0000 UTC]
Well that's the point of our disagreement here: You see, the more i read, the more there a information, that Authorities of Commonwealth wasn't have intentions, and they never showed them, that Orthodox peole would have any political rights. They've being treated mostly like a cattle, without even a vote for they're protection... Thus: Poland, being occupied by Russia, wanted once again occupy Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. It was a choise of occupants, and Russian highest class showed more respect toward Orthodox peasants, than Catholic Polish ones, that's why peasante was against Polish Uprising. P-O-L-I-S-H. Poles highest class, Church, and students failed to make peasants in all territories belive, that it's about human right's and equality. They belived, - it's about them being like cattle again... Don't now if that's really thuth, tough. Our visions is quite opposite, sadly T_T ...
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Janemin In reply to Zhou-Yui [2013-02-27 20:35:22 +0000 UTC]
Poles occupied Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine through all years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .... - interesting.... hm... /:'
"Russian highest class showed more respect toward Orthodox peasants, than Catholic Polish ones" - Of course! because we were Catolic!(Church needlessly meddled in politics back then T.T) But Russians didn't show respect to the Unit church ([link] - again only in Polish T_T - Christian religious community, who joined the Catholic Church on the basis of mutual agreement preserving their own faiths and liturgical rite, which was leading church in the rus-lands of the P-L.C.) which was mostly in Belarus and Ukraine. Uniates forced subordination to the Russian Orthodox Church
Podlachian martyrs - [link]
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