Dangerguy01 Duster and Ultramichelle Supermichelle have a little wardrobe switching.
My entery into
Yet Another Impromptu Art Jam: Duster Mash!Well @Nathanomir got the ball rolling, though he claims he was inspired by an image from a few years back by @Janus3003, with "Dustasma", if you will:,(Hey, we're artists, inspiration may creep up on you slowly sometimes, but when it hits, you go with it. )So the idea is a sort-of mashup: put Duster in one of your original character's (OC's) costumes, but with her colours (green and gold), and maybe her logo (available HERE). Let me know via DA Note about your image and I'll post it here!So as I said, @Nathanomir started this off, with Dustkyria:,@Lady-Quantum followed, with Dusty Que:,@RagingCyc0ne takes us in an even more SF direction with Dustar:,@dellcartoons brings us Dustress. Or maybe Dusty Dynamo. Whatever. ,Since this is Duster we're talking about, @dellcartoons realized she could be out of his OC's costume as well!,@nyctophobia11 brings us Dusty Gal, who I'm sure is regularly victorious... right?,@cptpatriot gives us D-Girl!,I gave @nyctophobia11 a prompt and he fulfilled it! ,@B69comics didn't quite fulfill the prompt, but gets points for effort ,Dusty Squirrel and friends from @atomicwick...,And Duster as @Janus3003's Aude, so... Auster? ,Another one from @RagingCyc0ne, Duster Hope: ,@Nathanomir transforms my girl into Dusper, who quickly discovers that telepathy ain't all it's cracked up to be...,@DelilahTG and @SlaveLynnGreen bring us Emerald Duster (she was kinda Emerald to being with, but I won't quibble ;P) ,@bsdigitalIQ combines Duster with his own Thunder Woman to bring us... Thunder Duster!,@lordcoyote just couldn't resist...!,From @mrfuzzynutz (he of the great user name), comes the Unbreakable Duster. Given what I've put her through over the years, I'd say that epithet suits her regardless of what she's wearing. ,And another from @DelilahTG, Dynamo Duster:,@Centrilia shows us that dressing up in another heroine's style won't necessarily keep you out of trouble... far from it. In fact, Duster may be in more trouble once C gets her outta that jam...,Still more evidence that not every wardrobe switch is viewed positively from @janny654 ,
I went with Michelle as her costume lets me add Duster's logo and we haven't seen her in a long while.
I thought it would be a fun entry as Duster wears plenty while Michelle wears so little.