“Zombie killin’ be like workin’ the forge. Lots o’ hammer work! … Lots messier though.”
Samson’s first love is smithing, and his second love is zombicide. The group owes their superior arms and armor to Samson’s talents, and their survival to his martial skills. Now that the black plague has spread to the orc tribes, Samson can indulge yet another passion: killing orcs. While not a traditional enemy to the dwarves, the orcs in Samson’s homeland were a constant nemesis to his clan, and old enmities die hard. Samson also serves as the group’s defacto father figure, and they rely on his sound judgment and level head at all times.
Holy. Crap. Samson went from perhaps worst character, to second best. While his +1 Damage Melee is still a Red ability, he now gets Barbarian at Orange, which lets you choose if you want to murder a bunch of things, or add +1 to a die roll. Both are solid options, really. Now paired with Charge (in addition to Iron Hide), Samson is a killing machine like Ann.
The gold parts were either leather or a bronze....because while art depicted it as leather, it also gave it a really high sheen like his armor. So, I went with a dwarven gold, and to break up the sea of metal, I did a few additional highlights of gold to break it up.