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Hiroyuki is the leader of Team Phoenix, the strongest and most elite QRF in Peacekeepers. AKA Heyzen to his teammates, he is by far one of best soldiers the Peacekeepers has. Growing up in Tokyo, Japan, the teen was brought into the war when his father, a former Peacekeeper soldier was murdered in cold blood by the enemy - the Soutpaw. Having been in service for only four years, Hiroyuki has made a name for himself for having a reputation of accomplishing missions in a swift and instantaneous matter, as well as trashing six punching bags in a monthly basis. Having good physical and mental peak, followed by willingness, determination, diligence, as well as good leadership skills, for his age Hiroyuki certainly makes a terrifying soldier - especially with his pyrokinetic abilities. He follows in his father's footsteps, and nothing's going to stop him.
First Appearance: Prologue