*I can't seem to submit to the contest folder -shrug- lol
- Name: Pymmi Strood
- Age: 25 (human age)
- Species: Orra
- Gender: Female
- Occupation: Hobo/Handyman/Unwitting Vigilante
Pymmi grew up like any other Orra on her home planet, cared for, well fed, and taught how to survive in even the harshest enviorments their home could provide. She lived well and had little to worry about as she survived the trials of childhood and on into her young adult years. It wasn't till around then she started to get an itchy feeling to travel, explore. Adults often spoke of their trials of life on other planets and how they survived or even helped others, she thought it honorable and amazing. She would invest what little money she had in a ship and go off to explore, hoping to quell this feeling and be like the adults of her clan. She traveled through a few planets with a breeze, up until she came across little planet earth. After a near death experience with an airplane after entering the atmosphere Pymmi would crashland outside new york in the farming communities and forests. Paranoid and alone she originally didn't plan on leaving her ship until she contacted someone to help her off planet. But that changed when she found she was virtually stranded and running low on supplies. Not to mention government vehicles closing in on her crashed ship with the intention of salvaging it and possibly her if they got their hands on her. The young alien reptile would flee to the city, both in fear and in search of supplies.
Her first night was a blurr of bright lights, screams, angry intelligble yells, and honking horns. She managed to avoid being hit by cars and being attacked by the locals, fleeing onto the roofs of the buildings and ending up on the roof of a Youth Hostel. She stayed there until she was found out by the elderly super and the many young travelers who lived there. With a startling first encounter they managed to communicate through a small combination of pantomime and drawings until Pymmi could fix her communicator. As far as the elderly super cared, the alien was another young traveler looking for a safe place to stay. Pymmi was given a deal, with the elder having a hard time fixing things in the building, Pymmi would take her place and in turn she could stay. A place to stay, a decent meal a day for doing work around the house. The alien would agree and set up shop on the rooftop of the building, trying to keep away from prying eyes and just lie low. Over a month or so she would find out through the many travelers that passed through the place that giant reptilian creatures weren't uncommon, just they were not from space. As far as Pymmi knew, she was going to be stuck on planet for a while, so she devised a small plan to blend in more with the locals. Given hand me down clothes from the occasional young traveler and a cover story of being a Komodo Dragon mutant, she started to move about at night. Her communicator hidden beneath her sleeve as she tries to blend in and avoid being noticed by any government authorities.
The title of unwitting vigilante comes around this time as she begins traveling at night. She would cross by muggings and the occasional beat down, and at first she didnt interfere. It wasn't until she learned these actions were more often than not an action of sadism, less of the need to survive in their enviorment. The very idea was an affront to Pymmi's core beliefs. She was offended by the very exsistence of it and now, without second thought, if she sees a fight break out in such a manner she will clean house. Seperating beater from beatee and taking them down to an inch of their life before leaving them someplace they will be found. Originally she'd just leave them on a busy public street or outside a night club with a lot of people, but later learning of 'police' and their incarceration methods. Finding apropriate she has started to leave beaten and bloodied murders/muggers/rapists, anyone she's seen attacking another in malice at the Police department's footsteps. Without a word and leaving the person for the police to deal with.
This is how she would come across the Street Punks. Normally, she would have held nothing against them, to her, their actions were of survival, young turtles, all trying to get around in a world that didn't quiet understand them. She even witnessed them save a few people, which in her mind, she couldn't consider them better guys. Until she came across their leader Swift's little side projects, completely by chance, but it had shattered her veiw of these turtles. (or atleast their leader) With this new perspective of the head turtle that offends Pymmi to the very core of her being she has made a personal vendetta towards Swift, even if he doesn't know of it. She will get her hands on him, give him his just deserts and personally making sure he ends up within the human prisons, and if his brothers get in her way, it is their own fault for not knowing or acting on his bs beforehand.
- Stubborn: This is a trait common among her own kind, once she has her mind set on something she will not deviate until given good reason or she feels her life is significantly threatened.
- Soft Spoken: This kind of attributes to her just being silent, she speaks very little, not used to needing to vocalize her words she generally lets her actions speak for her. But when she does speak her voice is generally soft and gentle, countering her scary appearence.
- Friendly: Surprisingly, she actually is pretty friendly, enjoys making connections to others, she likes company and being friendly helps her get that.
- Paitent: When dealing with people on a face to face basis, she is surprisigly paitent, understanding and has no problem taking time to make sure things are okay between her and another, be it via talking, listening, or sharing a meal
- Food Protective: As funny as it is, you do not mess with this girl's food. Food stealing is not something she takes likely or will be afraid to smack a bitch over. Everyone usually gets one mulligan as they normally don't know this. But only one.
Additional info
- Breif Orra Info - This varies from each individual of course- Orra are Survivalists. Their moral code is consisdered a bit askew by most 'honorable' races because of this. They hold no ill will towards what others need to do to survive and will do what they need to survive, that can range to various things depending on the situation.
- Surprisingly hard to offend, due to their rather open moral code it is hard to insult one, and honestly, most dont quiet understand basic insults anyone can throw at them as petting insults to their appearence and the like have no real place in their society. (usually calling an individual weak willed or insulting their strength will get a small rise out of some)
- Nose boop: A nose to nose touch is considered a greeting among Orra
- Head rubs: the action of rubbing one's head along the side of the other, going from one side to the other is a form of Kiss among the Orra. It is considered rather intimate to expose one's neck to another like that
- Teeth Barring: A very rare and uncommon thing for an Orra to bare their teeth at each other or anyone else. But know it is a very VERY dangerous threat. IF an Orra bares it's teeth at you, you have ROYALLY pissed it off somehow.
- Orra generally range from the shortest being 5 1/2 feet to 8 feet, some have been known to grow bigger, but none have been smaller.
- Orra can and WILL eat anything they can, they have surprisingly strong stomachs and can eat dead things, or will even cannibalise their own dead commerads without second thought.
- Orra's teeth are SERATED, they are made for slicing flesh.
- Orra's saliva is posionous to anyone but their own kind, full of natural bacertia it will posion you slowly and painfully, the only known cure is a bit of Orra blood, it containing the antibodies to destroy the bacteria.
- Pymmi is 5' 10'' (she's a small Orra)
- She fights with her claws, teeth, tail, any weapons she may have had were destroyed or loss in her crash landing, so she relies on her ability to fight hand to hand combat.
-Pymmi honestly enjoys cooking, she's rather good at it, she may be in a cramped kitchen but she is very good at experimenting with different flavors.
This is for 's The Enemy contest. I'll prolly update the little extras later when I have more time. But otherwise this is DONE~