JocelynAda — Warm Feliz Navidad

Published: 2011-12-23 11:55:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1409; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 48
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Description Another of my Christmas themed pieces for this year. I've wanted to draw a piece for my buds since NYCC. They were the best tablemates ever and I just loved their comic! You should definitely check out Reed Gunther, [link] It's an awesomely hilarious comic about a bear-riding cowboy.

So here's Katze and Perrin chilling with Sterling and Reed, celebrating Christmas in the desert the best they can.

I bet Sterling would be very comfortable to sleep on.
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Comments: 3

Mrairs [2011-12-23 16:24:56 +0000 UTC]

-star on the cactus- OW OW OW!!! :c

very nice picture ^^ happy holidays!

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B-Onette [2011-12-23 12:14:53 +0000 UTC]

This is beautifully done. May I ask what you used to create it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JocelynAda In reply to B-Onette [2011-12-23 14:03:59 +0000 UTC]

I began with a quick doodle [link]

Then I scanned it in a finished with custom brushes in photoshop I threw some textures on there for effect. But the stars were all draw by me. It just did many little points.

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