"I can't help that I have a nice voice, right?"
Full Name: Serenade
Nickname: Seren (Epic Rhyme) Chopin (stage name)
Sex: Male
Race: Unicorn
Parents: Vinyl Scratch and Neon Lights
Siblings: N/A
Talent: Singing
Occupation: Rock Star
Home Town: Ponyville
Current Residence: Nomadic
Personality: Serenade is a generally shy and meek stallion, content to watch others speak and socialize. It's only when he is singing that he becomes passionate and loud. On stage, his passion tends to get the better of him, making him act in ways that later on make him want to die from embarrassment. On stage, he's a bad boy who openly flirts with any mare and has a level of sass that transcends measurement. With his bandmates, hes generally distant, ignoring their escapades since they are very different from him. Its only when he's with Epic that he is deferential and meek.
Bio: Serenade has always been mocked for various reasons. Whether it was his birthmarks or his feminine looks, foals would tease him endlessly. this changed when Epic came to his rescue, brashly and nobly charging in like a hero. After that, Serenade began following her around, helping her with little things. One day, she heard him singing to himself and suggested he do so at a talent show. He was terrified of doing so, scared he'd be mocked again. Epic kept on egging him on until he gave him, though only on the condition that she be nearby.
On the day of the talent show, he was put on stage and choked, frightened by all the eyes on him. Just as he was about to burst into tears, Epic ran out on stage, singing the song he'd been struggling with. Soon enough, the two were singing a duet and Serenade forgot all about the crowd, his eyes only on Epic. He and Epic gained their cutiemarks' that day, both very similar but slightly different. While Epic still went on trying to be a wonderbolt, Serenade got into singing, working up the courage to sing in front of others and entertain.
- Has a crush on his bestie, Epic Rhyme
- Has a spell, unique to him, to prevent ponies from leaking bad press about him.
- Is super tall
- Has a birthmark on his face that he feels self conscious about.
- Chose the name Chopin because he liked the classical music his aunt Octavia used to play for him.